BIOL 1103 1st Edition Lecture 1 What is science I systematic inquiry through observation and experiment into the a origins b structure and c behavior of living and nonliving environments 2 6 steps of the scientific method 1 Observation leads to a Question 2 Question leads to a hypothesis 3 Hypothesis a prediction of the hypothesis outcome a CONTROL Constant ex open jar with meat b VARIABLE varies manipulated ex covered jar with meat inside 4 Prediction 5 Experiment testing 6 a ex Open Jar Maggots b ex Closed Jar Maggots Conclusion a Supports b Does not support 3 Scientific Theory vs Law Scientific Theory generally reliable a THEORY can be tested but can NOT be Disproved ex evolution Law can be proved or disproved These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 4 Examples of Scientific Theories 3 1 Cell theory that all living organisms are composed of cells 2 Evolution the fundamental study of biology 3 Natural Causality the principle that all events can be traced to natural causes 5 Science is a human endeavor and Scientists can also make mistakes EX Alexander Flemming Penicillium What is LIFE 1 Cell the basic unit of life and is separated from its surroundings by a membrane Organisms hold 6 main characteristics 1 Acquire and use materials and energy a acquired from the air water soil and bodies of other living things b use energy continuously to sustain themselves ENERGY is acquired through TWO ways comingdirectly or indirectly from the sun 2 2 AUTOTROPHY Photosynthesis self made 3 HETEROTROPHY Consume energy rich molecules in the bodies of other organisms not self made Actively maintain organized complexity use energy continuously to SELF SUSTAIN A Cells pump chemicals in and out for appropriate chemical reactions to occur B 3 Organisms maintain relatively constant internal conditions or homeostasis internal equilibrium Perceive and respond to stimuli A Sensory organs in animals B Internal stimuli in animals are perceived by 1 Stretch 2 Temperature C 3 Pain 4 chemical receptors Plants and bacteria also respond to stimuli 4 Grow Growth involves the conversion of acquired materials to molecules of the organism s body 5 Reproduce Organisms reproduce by A dividing in half B producing seeds C bearing live young D laying eggs The parent s genetic material DNA is passed on to the offspring 6 Have the capacity to evolve collectively EVOLUTION A Evolution is a process by which modern organisms that are created from existing organisms form a new life B Changes in DNA within populationsoccur over the course of generations Evolution C Evolution provides an explanation for the similarities found between different types of organisms D Populations groups of the SAME type of organism living in the SAME area Three 3 Natural processes of Evolution 1 DNA A 2 MUTATIONS source of differences in DNA a Occur when changes in GENES are copied by accident b Variations are due to differences in GENES a MUTATIONS Happen in the Sperm or Egg Inheritance i EFFECTS of Mutation 1 No effect harmless 2 A decrease in the organism s ability to function 3 Death of the organism 4 An increase in an organism s ability to survive and reproduce rare 3 Natural Selection Organisms that best meet environmental challenges leave the most offspring certain inherited traits survive and reproduce better than others in a particular environment Matter and the Study of Life Matter is formed of Elements Smallest to Largest Atom Molecules Cells smallest unit of life Tissues Organs Organ systems Organisms people 1 Species Organisms of the same type that are capable of interacting and interbreeding 2 Population A group of organisms of the same species living in a given area 3 Community Interacting populations 4 Ecosystem community and its nonliving environment 5 Biosphere The entire surface of Earth including living and nonliving components 6 Organisms classified by DOMAINS 7 1 Bacterial Single simple celled 8 2 Archaea Single simple celled 9 3 Eukarya Multi Celled contain FOUR 4 Kingdoms 10 a Fungi 11 b Plantae 12 c Animalia 13 d Protists Biologists use the Binomial System to name organisms Genus and Species are the two SMALLEST categories a Genus many different species with similar characteristics b Species organisms that can interbreed and are nearly identical
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