UA CH 101 - Matter

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Matter Measurement and Problem Solving 08 23 2013 Qualitative describe process Mg burn in air with white flame to form MgO Quantitative measure number 10 mg of Mg burn to form 16 67g of MgO Classifying Matter by Physical State Solid liquid gas behavior and characteristics State Shape Volume Compressibl e Flow Solid Rigid Maintains No No Liquid Assumes container Maintains No Yes Gas Assumes container Assumes container Yes Yes Pure substance elements He and compounds H2O Mixture heterogeneous wet sand separable and homogeneous Tea w sugar uniform throughout Changes in Matter Physical Changes substance is the same just looks behaves dif o Liquid forming ice Chemical Changes substance changes chemical state o Water to hydrogen peroxide H2O2 rust Fe2O3 Properties of Matter Physical and chemical changes are the manifestation of the properties of matter Physical Properties properties that change without the change in composition o Odor taste color appearance Chemical Properties why things are reacting not reacting o Corrosiveness flammability toxicity Energy Changes in Matter Physical Change water molecules absorb heat as they evaporate cooling your skin sweat Chemical Change burning natural gas releases energy thus cooking food Energy capacity to do work Work action of a force applied across a distance Kinetic Energy motion of atoms molecules ion ect Potential Energy stored energy stored in bonds 08 23 2013

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UA CH 101 - Matter

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