BUSSPP 0200 1st Edition Lecture 1 Outline of Last Lecture Outline of Current Lecture Evidence of Starbucks Success through I Finance II Market Share III Advertising Trends IV CSR V Human Resources Current Lecture Success I II general revenue income regardless of rate revenue and income have grown substantially a Revenue per dollar income revenue has increased from about 4 cents to about 7 cents expansion has been massive a defined the market both domestically and internationally b market share domestically and internationally has only expanded III only 1 5 spent on marketing also expanded at their level before much social media IV CSR pioneers in their early reporting of sustainability diversity responsible supplying c paying more than market price for premium coffee to improve conditions of coffee farmers d reasons business reasons reputation some form of appropriate charity V HR wages benefits a Strategically set out to make coffee drinking an experience make a caf a destination b Created an entire industry These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute
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