Wright EGR 1980 - Final Review

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Final Recitation Review 1 Preparation for Calculus EGR 1980 Fall 01 Prof Griffith Student Name ID 1 Graph the parabola ALEKS Final Recitation Review 1 11 17 2014 9 30 43 AM EST Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 1 13 2 Graph the parabola 3 Graph the equation ALEKS Final Recitation Review 1 11 17 2014 9 30 43 AM EST Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 2 13 4 Suppose that the functions and Write the expressions for 5 Let and are defined for all real numbers and as follows and evaluate be two functions defined by for any real number Find and then find all values that are NOT in the domain of If there is more than one value separate them with commas 6 Suppose that the functions and are defined as follows Find the following ALEKS Final Recitation Review 1 11 17 2014 9 30 43 AM EST Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 3 13 7 Graph the rational function 8 Simplify Assume that the variable represents a positive real number 9 Simplify Assume that all variables represent positive real numbers 10 Simplify ALEKS Final Recitation Review 1 11 17 2014 9 30 43 AM EST Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 4 13 11 Simplify Assume that all variables represent positive real numbers 12 Multiply and simplify 13 Write the following as an exponential expression 14 Simplify Write your answers without exponents 15 Add Write your answer as a complex number in standard form ALEKS Final Recitation Review 1 11 17 2014 9 30 43 AM EST Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 5 13 16 Multiply Write your answer as a complex number in standard form 17 Use the properties of logarithms to expand Each logarithm in your answer should involve only one variable Assume that all variables are positive 18 Write the expression as a single logarithm 19 Graph the function and give its domain and range using interval notation ALEKS Final Recitation Review 1 11 17 2014 9 30 43 AM EST Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 6 13 20 A right triangle has side lengths Use these lengths to find 21 Solve for and as shown below and in the triangle Round your answer to the nearest tenth ALEKS Final Recitation Review 1 11 17 2014 9 30 43 AM EST Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 7 13 22 Solve the right triangle Round your answers to the nearest tenth 23 Sketch in standard position 24 Find the reference angle for ALEKS Final Recitation Review 1 11 17 2014 9 30 43 AM EST Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 8 13 25 Convert to radian measure in terms of ALEKS Final Recitation Review 1 11 17 2014 9 30 43 AM EST Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 9 13 Final Recitation Review 1 Answers for class Preparation for Calculus EGR 1980 Fall 01 1 2 3 ALEKS Final Recitation Review 1 11 17 2014 9 30 43 AM EST Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 10 13 4 5 Values that are NOT in the domain of 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ALEKS Final Recitation Review 1 11 17 2014 9 30 43 AM EST Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Domain Range 20 21 22 ALEKS Final Recitation Review 1 11 17 2014 9 30 43 AM EST Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 12 13 23 24 25 ALEKS Final Recitation Review 1 11 17 2014 9 30 43 AM EST Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 13 13

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Wright EGR 1980 - Final Review

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