Wright EGR 1980 - EGR1980_F14_Section2Syllabus

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Course Syllabus EGR 1980 Preparatory Mathematics for Engineering Applications Section 2 Fall 2014 Instructor Henry Griffith Instructor Contact Information Email griffith 16 wright edu Voice Message 937 775 5272 When Contacting your Instructor 1 Always be sure to include your full name UID and section number 2 Remember that while I am always willing to answer questions regarding recitation you should utilize your recitation TA as the first point of contact for these questions 3 Allow at least 1 business day for a response although I will typically reply to your message much quicker Required Course Materials 1 This course requires NO TEXTBOOK Instead we will be using course notes and homework packets which will be provided to you If you lose your copy you may reprint the material by accessing the course Pilot page 2 Recitation worksheets will be provided to you You must bring a copy of the appropriate worksheets to each recitation meeting If you lose your copy you may reprint the material by accessing the course Pilot page Course Objectives Like its post requisite course EGR 1010 this course aims to increase student retention motivation and success in engineering through an application oriented hands on introduction to preparatory mathematics content ranging from algebra to trigonometry Through successful completion of this course you will be prepared to successfully achieve a calculus ready score on your math placement exam thereby bypassing all mathematics coursework not required for your degree program Course Web Page All materials for this course will be posted on the course web page in Pilot which can be immediately accessed through the University Portal WINGS http wings wright edu This includes electronic copies of all recitation worksheets recommended sample problems and corresponding solutions Access to the course web page requires a University campus computer account which can be picked up at the CaTS Help Desk in room 025 Library Annex Once you have your campus account simply logon to WINGS click on the Academics tab click on Pilot and then select Prep Math for EGR Lecture In addition to the course webpage course announcements will be communicated regularly through your campus email account It is your responsibility to check your campus email account before attending each class period Assignment Policy Homework will be assigned weekly with any exceptions announced in lecture Homework should be submitted to the Student Success Center in Joshi by noon on Friday Note that no late homework will be accepted Solutions to homework will be posted on the course website after submission Exam Policy As was stated at the beginning of this syllabus each students primary goal in this course is to increase their math placement score so that they are eligible to enroll in Calculus I Therefore the math placement exam retake is the most important exam which you will take in this course You will be given a scheduled retake opportunity during finals week Exact details will for this exam will be announced in lecture In addition to retaking the math placement exam you will also take a midterm and final exam based upon the content presented in recitation Exams will occur during the 7 th and 14th week in your recitation sections Grading Policy EGR 1980 is a Pass Fail course In order to receive a passing grade you must fulfill the following criteria 1 2 3 4 Obtain a calculus ready score on the math placement exam retake Achieve a full score on all weekly homework assignments effort based Attend and participate in your recitation section each week Achieve passing scores on all recitation exams Over the course of the semester students failing to fulfill either criterion 2 or 3 will be given an email warning informing them of their violation Students violating policy for a second time will receive a failing grade for the course For those students who fulfil criteria 2 and 3 over the entire semester but fail to achieve the necessary math placement exam retake score a grade of Incomplete or Fail will be assigned at the discretion of the instructor based upon factors largely related to effort in the class Students achieving a grade of Incomplete will be afforded additional time to raise their score to the appropriate level after the end of the semester Attendance Policy Attendance at all recitation sessions is required For purposes of accurately recording attendance in recitation please bring a photo ID Attendance at all lecture sessions is highly encouraged However due to time constraints attendance will not be taken at each lecture Attendance will be taken at random intervals over the course of the semester in lecture This information will then be utilized to make grading decisions related to student effort Academic Integrity Students are encouraged to work together on homework and during recitations However copying of work is not permitted Cases of academic dishonesty which include copying of homework will be dealt with according to the procedures set forth in the university s academic integrity policy College of Engineering and Computer Science students found guilty of two violations of the university s academic integrity policy are subject to dismissal EGR 1980 Fall 2014 Recitation Schedule Week Number 1 2 3 Week Beginning Date 8 25 9 1 9 8 4 9 15 5 6 7 9 22 9 29 10 6 8 10 13 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 20 10 27 11 3 11 10 11 17 11 24 12 1 Content NO RECITATION MEETING Introduction to Circuit Analysis Using Scientific Notation in Engineering Mathematics Using Equations in Circuit Analysis Circuit Analysis Review Midterm Exam Introduction to Engineering Mechanics Constant Acceleration Kinematic Equations for One Dimensional Motion Free Body Diagrams Mechanics Review Introduction to Waves Logarithms in Engineering Final Exam NO RECITATION MEETING NO RECITATION MEETING NOTE IF YOUR RECITATION SECTION IS CANCELED DUE TO UNIVERSITY CLOSURE YOU ARE STILL RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MATERIAL PRESENTED IN THAT WEEK S RECITATION CONSULT THE WORKSHEET SOLUTIONS AS WELL AS YOU TA INSTRUCTOR IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE ON ANY MATERIAL EGR 1980 Fall 2014 Lecture Schedule 1 2 Week Number Week Ending 8 29 9 5 3 9 12 4 9 19 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 26 10 3 10 10 10 17 10 24 10 31 11 12 13 14 15 11 7 11 14 11 21 11 28 12 5 Topic Real Numbers Equations and Inequalities Exponents and Polynomials Exponents and Polynomials Lines and Systems Functions and Graphs Rational Expressions Radical Expressions Review Wks 1 8 Exponentials and Logarithms

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Wright EGR 1980 - EGR1980_F14_Section2Syllabus

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