Wright EGR 1980 - Circuit_Analysis_Review

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EGR 1980 Circuit Analysis Review A 5V source is connected across a 10 k resistor a Draw the schematic corresponding to the above scenario b Using Ohm s Law calculate the current in the 10 k resistor c Redraw your schematic from part 1 labeling the current calculated in part 2 d Calculate the power delivered to the resistor Consider the following electrical schematic a Determine the equivalent resistance of the parallel combination of R2 and R3 b Determine the equivalent resistance of the entire loading network c Using Kirchoff s Laws the following pair of simultaneous equations may be written to solve for the currents in R1 and R2 Using substitution solve for the current in each component 12 I 1 R1 I 2 R 2 0 I 1 2 I 2 Compute the following Be sure to use appropriate metric prefixes and label your units a 10 mA 5 M b 10 V 2M c 10 mA 2 5 M Two resistors are connected in parallel One resistor has twice the rated value of the other The equivalent resistance value for the network is 1 1 3 k Using the product over sum rule this may be expressed as follows R1 2 R1 1 1 k R 1 2 R1 3 a Manipulate the above equation to yield a quadratic equation in terms of R1 in standard form b Solve for the value of both resistors by factoring the quadratic equation from part a Convert the following quantities to engineering notation a 0 01 kW b 5 200 00 k J c 0 057 mV Using proportions solve the following word problems a 2 Amperes of current corresponds to a flow of 2 Coulombs of charge through a cross section of the circuit over a 1 second interval Find the amount of charge flowing through a crosssection in 2 5 seconds b 5 Joules of energy is sufficient to move 1 Coulomb of charge across a 5 Volt potential difference Find the amount of charge which may be moved over a 7 5 Volt potential difference using 5 Joules of energy

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Wright EGR 1980 - Circuit_Analysis_Review

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