Wright EGR 1980 - Week 9

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Week 9 HW Review 1 Preparation for Calculus EGR 1980 Fall 01 Prof Griffith Student Name ID 1 Evaluate the following 2 First rewrite Then use and or so that they have a common denominator to order and 3 Multiply Write your answer as a fraction in simplest form ALEKS Week 9 HW Review 1 08 23 2014 1 23 05 PM EDT Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 1 14 4 Evaluate the following 5 a Write b Write as a percentage as a decimal 6 Solve the following equation for 7 Solve the inequality for Simplify your answer as much as possible 8 Solve the following equation for ALEKS Week 9 HW Review 1 08 23 2014 1 23 05 PM EDT Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 2 14 9 Solve for Simplify your answer as much as possible 10 Solve for Simplify your answer as much as possible 11 Solve the equation for 12 Multiply Simplify your answer 13 Find the greatest common factor of and ALEKS Week 9 HW Review 1 08 23 2014 1 23 05 PM EDT Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 3 14 14 Factor 15 Simplify Use only positive exponents in your answer 16 Owners of a recreation area are filling a small pond with water They are adding water at a rate of liters per minute There are liters in the pond to start represent the amount of water in the pond in liters and let represent the number of minutes Let that water has been added Write an equation relating to and then graph your equation using the axes below ALEKS Week 9 HW Review 1 08 23 2014 1 23 05 PM EDT Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 4 14 17 The Nguyen family and the Green family each used their sprinklers last summer The water output rate for the Nguyen family s sprinkler was per hour The water output rate for the Green family s per hour The families used their sprinklers for a combined total of hours sprinkler was resulting in a total water output of How long was each sprinkler used Nguyen family s sprinkler Green family s sprinkler 18 Find an equation for the line below ALEKS Week 9 HW Review 1 08 23 2014 1 23 05 PM EDT Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 5 14 19 For each point in the table below decide whether it is on Line 1 Line 2 both or neither Line 1 Line 2 20 Consider the line a Find the equation of the line that is perpendicular to this line and passes through the point b Find the equation of the line that is parallel to this line and passes through the point 21 The sets and Find the union of are given below and Find the intersection of and Write your answers using set notation ALEKS Week 9 HW Review 1 08 23 2014 1 23 05 PM EDT Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 6 14 22 Graph the parabola 23 Find the intercept s and the coordinates of the vertex for the parabola more than one intercept separate them with commas If there is 24 For the real valued functions and find the composition and specify its domain using interval notation Domain of ALEKS Week 9 HW Review 1 08 23 2014 1 23 05 PM EDT Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 7 14 25 If the graph of the function defined by is translated vertically upward by units it becomes the graph of a function Find the expression for 26 On a given planet the weight of an object varies directly with the mass of the object Suppose that an weighs Calculate the mass of another object that weighs object whose mass is 27 Graph the rational function 28 Find the least common multiple of and ALEKS Week 9 HW Review 1 08 23 2014 1 23 05 PM EDT Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 8 14 29 Solve for 30 Divide Your answer should give the quotient and the remainder Quotient Remainder 31 Simplify 32 Simplify 33 Solve for where is a real number ALEKS Week 9 HW Review 1 08 23 2014 1 23 05 PM EDT Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 9 14 34 Add Write your answer as a complex number in standard form 35 Graph the function ALEKS Week 9 HW Review 1 08 23 2014 1 23 05 PM EDT Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 10 14 Week 9 HW Review 1 Answers for class Preparation for Calculus EGR 1980 Fall 01 1 2 3 4 5 a b 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ALEKS Week 9 HW Review 1 08 23 2014 1 23 05 PM EDT Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 11 14 15 16 17 Nguyen family s sprinkler Green family s sprinkler hours hours 18 19 20 Equation of perpendicular line Equation of parallel line 21 ALEKS Week 9 HW Review 1 08 23 2014 1 23 05 PM EDT Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 12 14 22 23 x intercept s vertex 24 Domain of 25 26 27 28 29 30 Quotient Remainder ALEKS Week 9 HW Review 1 08 23 2014 1 23 05 PM EDT Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 13 14 31 32 33 34 35 ALEKS Week 9 HW Review 1 08 23 2014 1 23 05 PM EDT Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 14 14

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Wright EGR 1980 - Week 9

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