Wright EGR 1980 - Week 8

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Week 8 HW Radical Expressions 1 Preparation for Calculus EGR 1980 Fall 01 Prof Griffith Student Name ID 1 Simplify the expression Write your answer using only positive exponents Assume that all variables are positive real numbers 2 Write in terms of Simplify your answer as much as possible 3 Simplify the complex number as much as possible 4 Multiply Simplify your answer as much as possible ALEKS Week 8 HW Radical Expressions 1 08 23 2014 1 21 21 PM EDT Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 1 7 5 Multiply Write your answer as a complex number in standard form 6 Simplify Assume that the variable represents a positive real number 7 Simplify Assume that the variable 8 represents a positive real number Solve where is a real number Simplify your answer as much as possible 9 Find the value of 10 Simplify as much as possible Assume that all variables represent positive real numbers ALEKS Week 8 HW Radical Expressions 1 08 23 2014 1 21 21 PM EDT Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 2 7 11 Find the domain of the function Write your answer using interval notation 12 Write the following as an exponential expression 13 Simplify the expression Write your answer without using negative exponents Assume that all variables are positive real numbers 14 Graph the function ALEKS Week 8 HW Radical Expressions 1 08 23 2014 1 21 21 PM EDT Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 3 7 15 Write the following expression in simplified radical form Assume that all of the variables in the expression represent positive real numbers 16 Simplify 17 Solve for where is a real number 18 Rationalize the denominator and simplify 19 Add Write your answer as a complex number in standard form ALEKS Week 8 HW Radical Expressions 1 08 23 2014 1 21 21 PM EDT Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 4 7 20 Simplify Assume that all variables represent positive real numbers ALEKS Week 8 HW Radical Expressions 1 08 23 2014 1 21 21 PM EDT Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 5 7 Week 8 HW Radical Expressions 1 Answers for class Preparation for Calculus EGR 1980 Fall 01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ALEKS Week 8 HW Radical Expressions 1 08 23 2014 1 21 21 PM EDT Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 6 7 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ALEKS Week 8 HW Radical Expressions 1 08 23 2014 1 21 21 PM EDT Copyright 2014 UC Regents and ALEKS Corporation P 7 7

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Wright EGR 1980 - Week 8

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