UGA BIOL 1108 - Homeostasis

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10 8 14 Animal Form and Func3on Homeostasis and Thermoregula3on Lesson 20 BIOL 1108 8 October 2014 1 Unit Animal Form and Func3on Today s Topic Homeostasis Thermoregula3on Today s learning objec3ves Prac3ce observing animal FORM and rela3ng it to FUNCTION Be able to de ne homeostasis Be able to draw a generalized homeosta3c feedback diagram and understand its terminology Understand two evolu3onary strategies animals have for thermoregula3on Consider organisms physiological morphological and behavioral adapta3ons for thermoregula3ng within their environments 2 1 10 8 14 3 4 2 10 8 14 Animal Form and Func3on Homeostasis and Thermoregula3on 5 TINY HOUSES 6 3 10 8 14 What do you need to regulate temperature in a one room house 7 Set Point 70 F 87 F 70 F 87 F Sensory Signal Sensory Signal Thermostat Integra8on Center Thermometer AC unit Sensor E ector CC START HERE What do you want to control CV Cool room temp Hot day Disturbance environment 8 4 10 8 14 IF there is a di erence generate error signal Set Point a Generate error signal What should the condi3on be Sensory Signal Sensory Signal Integra3on Center Compares sensor and set point Sensor What is the current condi3on On Off Nega3ve Dampens feedback Returns to normal Controlling Condi3on CC START HERE What do you want to control E ector Structure that can make a di erence to controlled condi3on Controlling Variable CV Disturbance environment What the e ector does CV will change CC in the right direc3on 9 De ne HOMEOSTASIS The ability to maintain a stable environment independent of the external environment 10 5 10 8 14 Willow ptarmigan Fluctua8on is an indica8on of regula8on 11 How would you de ne a nega8ve feedback loop A A process whereby a change in a ini3al condi3on triggers a response that counteracts the ini3al change B A process whereby a change in an ini3al condi3on triggers a response that reinforces or ampli es the change 12 6 10 8 14 Unit Animal Form and Func3on Thermoregula3on Heat gain and loss Radiation Convection Evaporation Conduction 13 Animal Form and Func3on Thermoregula3on Abio3c Factor Temperature visibleearth nasa gov 14 7 10 8 14 Animal Form and Func3on Thermoregula3on Abio3c Factors Temperature Stream temp convection elevation sunlight shade the Text sides of the mt shade or sun www wallpaper77 com 15 Animal Form and Func3on Thermoregula3on Bio3c Endotherm Internal Metabolism Organisms regulating heat themselves Ectotherm external heat source from something other than themselves 16 8 10 8 14 Class Diagram Ac3vity Consider heat gain loss and environmental interac3on rela3ve to organisms physiological morphological and behavioral adapta3ons 17 Animal Form and Func3on Thermoregula3on Class Diagram Ac3vity Radiation sun Move to shade or sun behavior elevation amount radiation Swimming organisms from land Exotherms Blood vessels closer to surace As you are walking across campus during the midday of summer receptors in your skin register that your core body temperature has varied from its normal range 36 5 37 5 C This change in temperature is registered in your brain the master gland which then secretes a hormone that causes you to sweat out of pores in your skin Using this scenario fill out the homeostatic feedback diagram provided 18 9 10 8 14 Set Point 37 C 39 C 37 C 39 C Sensory Signal Skin receptors Hypothalamus Integra8on Center START HERE What do you want to control Hormones Sweat Glands evaporation Sensor CC Internal Sensory Signal E ector body temp CV lowered body temp Hot sunny day Disturbance environment 19 Animal Form and Func3on Homeostasis and Thermoregula3on Today s learning objec3ves Prac3ce observing animal FORM and rela3ng it to FUNCTION Be able to de ne homeostasis Be able to draw a generalized homeosta3c feedback diagram and understand its terminology Understand two evolu3onary strategies animals have for thermoregula3on Consider organisms physiological morphological and behavioral adapta3ons for thermoregula3ng within their environments Think about Burmese python ques3on next slide 20 10 10 8 14 You want to take a vaca3on with your family in the Everglades and go hiking boa3ng to see its unique habitat and wildlife Your your mom however is afraid of being eaten by Burmese pythons which she keeps hearing about in the news Consider the e ects of thermoregula3on on Burmese python foraging You tell your mom not to worry about being eaten by the pythons you ll plan a vaca3on in which of the following seasons A spring B summer C fall D winter Describe your reason for choosing the season you did include informa3on about physiology morphology or behavior that would a ect python thermoregula3on and foraging 21 11

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UGA BIOL 1108 - Homeostasis

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