VCU RELS 108 - rels final

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5 How does the Sacred quest define morality three things that are considered ways of thinking feeling and acting that address consideration of human welfare animals and plants 6 What are the four stages of life in the Hindu System a Student b householder raising a family working having someone depend on you c retirement forest dweller where one separates from the household they take their spouse into the wilderness and engage in activities such as reading writing and poetry d renunciation Ascetic moksha liberation from death 7 Two ethical positions that were discussed in class a de ontological judges the morality of an act based upon a rule or law Formulated by Kant b Teleological consequentialism an act is right wrong based upon the consequences of the act 8 Effort or Exertion in islam is described by using which world ANS Jihad struggle within one self 9 THe states that actions or behaviors are right in so far as they promote happiness wrong as they tend to produce unhappiness of pain ANS Principle of Utility 10 What is practical justification ANS giving reasons for your actions 11 Cosmic Cycling Expansion as well as joining the spirit world are examples of salvation in another world ANS Individual four types of salvation this world other world 12 When referring to salvation liberation Moksha is used in the context of which religion Hinduism 13 Traditionally which sect of Islam was against war as a means for expansion Answer Shi i 14 In Christian theology the tem kenosis refers to the process of ANS self emptying aka the emptying of ones will so one will be able to decept his own will 15 What is liberation Theology related to mlk and Obama had an impact on the civil rights movementsocial justice bible and problems of society ANS teological tradition associated with striving for justice for the poor and oppressed 16 Which term in religious studies deals with the study of death ANS thanatology 17 What is the word for spirit or in Ancient Greek philosophy ANS Pneuma 18 What is the book in the Tibetan tradition that deals with death and rebirth bardo thodal ANS the Tibetan book of the Dead 19 Apocalypse literally means ANS to uncover to reveal 20 In Islamic Mysticism the experience of insight vision knowing is referred to as ANS Irfan 21 Swedish theologian Emmanuel Swedenborg worte a detailed description of his journey into the afterlife What work is associated with this ANS heaven and hell 22 According to Descartes who proposed the view of substance dualism the world is split into ANS the realm of matter physicality extension and the realm of though mind ideas res cognitans he says these two are fundamentally split 23 what does the view of monism suggest That there is only one reality of which mind and matter are part of ex Vedanta hindu Plotinus 24 refers to the state of being aware of an internal or external object ANS consciousness 25 the underworld or duat is referred to in the book of the dead Answer Egyptian 26 What is transpersonal Psychology ANS form of psychology that focuses on the spiritual experiences of individuals mystical states peak experiences meditative or yogic experiences near death experience dbv death bed vidions psychic happening 27 Richard Maurice book cosmic consciousness three forms of consousness embedded in living things a simple consciousness in humans animals and plants b self consciousness awareness of awareness c cosmic 28 What is the secularization thesis ANS as science technology and modernity increase religion loses authority in all aspects of social life and governance 29 what is perrenialism ANS all spiritual systems share a single universal source 30 what view posits that science is the most authoritative form of knowledge ANS Scientism 31

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