UWEC MKTG 334 - Exam 3 Study Guide

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MKTG 334 1st Edition Exam 3 Study Guide Sampling Define population Any complete group whose members share some common set of characteristics Why do researchers use same insteada of conducting a census of an entire population More practical to use because it is usually less expensive and faster than conducting a census when testing requires the destruction of the items being tested samples can give accurate and reliable results What is a technical term that refers to statistical fluctuations that occur because of chance variation in the elements selected for the sample Random sampling error Know examples of non probability sampling techniques Quota sampling convenience sampling snowball sampling Define judgment sampling A sampling technique in which an experienced individual selects the sample based on his or her judgment about some appropriate characteristic required of the sample member What is an example of quota sampling If an interviewer is instructed to sample 100 freshmen 100 sophomores 100 juniors and 100 seniors in a study of college students attitudes toward collegiate athletic funding Define snowball sampling A sampling procedure that builds a sample through referrals of other population members When is simple random sampling used When a researcher wants a sampling procedure that ensures that wach element in the population has an equal chance of being included in the sample Define systematic sampling Randomly selecting a starting point on a list and then selecting every th value Define proportional stratified sampling Type of sampling which units are drawn from each stratum proportionate to the population size of that stratum What type of sampling involves using a combination of two or more probability sampling techniques Multistage area sampling What sampling is useful in locating members of rare populations Snowball What sampling techniques are low cost high cost Low cluster High simple random stratified multistage What does appropriate sample design depend on Degree of accuracy resources time Basic Data Analysis Define descriptive analysis The elementary transformation of raw data in a way that decribes the basic characteristics such as central tendency distribution variability Define tabulation The orderly arrangement of data in a table or other summary format showing the number of responses to each responses category Define cross tabulation Addresses research questions involving relationships among multiple less than interval variable results in a combined and another variable in columns Define data transformation Process of changing the data from their original form to a format for performing a data analysis addressing research objective Define median split Dividing a data set into two categories by placing respondents below the median in one category and respondents above the median in another the approach is best applied only when the data do indeed exhibit bimodal characteristics Define interpretation The process of drawing inferences from the analysis results Univariate analysis Define univariate statistical analysis and bivariate statistical analysis Univariate tests of hypotheses involving only one variable testing of statistical significance Bivariate tests of hypotheses involving two variables Define significant level and p value Significance level a critical probability associated with a statistical hypothesis test that indicates how likely an inference supporting a difference between an observed value and some statistical expectation is true p value probability value or the observed or computed significant level higher p vales equal more support for an hypothesis Define chi square test and goodness of fit Chi square is tests for statistical significance appropriate for testing hypotheses about frequencies arranged in a frequency table Goodness of fit general term representing how well some computed table or matrix of values matrix some population or predetermined table or matrix of the same size

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