GSU SOCI 1101 - Final Exam Study Guide
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SOCI 1101 1st Edition Exam 3 Study Guide Sociology study guide book Key terms from chapters 8 9 10 Social stratification structuring of inequalities between groups in society Structured inequalities social inequalities that result from patterns in the social structures Caste social system in which social status is held for life Income money received from paid wages and salaries Wealth money and material possessions held by an individual or group Means of production production of the material is carried on in a society Capitalists people who own companies land stock Surplus value value of a workers labor power in Marxists theory Status social honor or prestige Pariah groups groups who suffer from negative status discrimination Contradictory class locations positions in the class structure white collar and lower managerial jobs Social mobility movement of individuals or groups between different social positions Intergenerational mobility movement up or down a social stratification hierarchy from one generation to another Exchange mobility the exchange of positions on the socioeconomically scale Structural mobility mobility resulting from changes in the number and kinds of jobs available in society Feminization of poverty an increase in the proportion of the poor who are female Kuznets curve formula showing that inequality increases during the early stages of capitalist development then declines Culture of poverty the thesis by Oscar Lewis that poverty is the outcome of a larger social and cultural atmosphere Dependency culture term by Charles murry to describe individuals who rely on state welfare provision rather than entering into labor market Global inequality the systematic differences in wealth and power between countries Dependency theories Marxists theories of economic development that poverty of low income countries is directly related from their exploitation by wealthy countries Colonialism western nations establish their rule on parts of the world away from their own homeland Dependent development the theory that poor countries can still develop economically but only in ways shaped by their reliance on wealthier countries World systems theory pioneered by wallerstein emphasizes the interconnections among countries based on the expansion of a capitalist world economy Core most advanced industrial countries Periphery countries that have a marginal role in the world economy Semipheriphery countries that supply sources of labor and raw materials to the core industrial countries Newly industrialized economies NIE developing countries that over the past two or three decades have begun to develop a strong industrial base Racial literacy skill taught to children of multiracial families to help them cope with racial hierarchies Ethnicity cultural values and norms that distinguish members of a group from others Race difference in physical characteristics Racialization understandings of race are used to classify individuals or groups of people Minority group group of people in a society who find themselves in inequality compared to the dominant group of the country Institutional racism patterns of discrimination based on ethnicity that have become structured into existing social institutions Prejudice holding preconceived ideas about an individual Apartheid system of racial segregation established in south Africa Assimilation acceptance of a minority group by a majority population Melting pot the idea that ethnic differences can be combined to create new patterns Pluralism ethnic relations in which all ethnic groups retain their independent and separate identities yet share equally in rights Multiculturalism condition in which ethnic groups exist separately Immigration moving into a new country Emigration moving out of a country Diaspora dispersal of an ethnic population from an original homeland into foreign areas Genocide planned destruction of a racial political or cultural group Ethnic cleansing creation of ethnically homogeneous territories through mass expulsion of ethnic populations Segregation keeping racial and ethnic groups physically separate Class system system of social hierarchy Social mobility Intergenerational mobility Intergenerational mobility Horizontal mobility working different jobs in the same class Vertical mobility class jumping Exchange mobility Structural mobility Being able to see is directly connected to being able to understand Classical theories of stratification Karl Marx class Class based on the means of production Capitalists people who own the m of p Working class people who sell their labor to capitalists Max weber 3ps Besides the means of production class divisions depend on skills credentials and social statuses Pariah groups negative statuses and social exclusions Modern theories of stratification Davis and Moore Stratification is functional promotes social stability Meritocracy as a system of reward and punishment Merit is based on your talent Wright Stratification is dysfunctional leads to conflict and social instability Capitalists and blue pink c workers and white c workers contradictory class location Explaining poverty class ism Cultural poverty Lifestyles incompatible with upward mobility Dependency culture o Culture of individuals who rely on government welfare subsidies rather than working for pay Social structure o Inequities are built into the system o Inequalities are based on peoples gender race ethnicity education or social class o 2 types of welfare Global inequality Globalization The increased economic political and cultural interconnectedness of the world new Global inequality and stratification The systemic differences in wealth and power between countries 3 world systems first w Europe n America and 1 exemption china hongkong second previous Ussr E Europe third world most of Africa Asia and Latin am nies newly industrialized economies 4 little dragons tigers in asia since 1980s china Thailand Malaysia Indonesia since 2000s brazil 4 or 3 world systems gni per capita 69 high income countries 48 upper middle income countries 56 lower middle income countries 40 low income countries 3 main world systems 69 48 96 2 main world systems 69 144 prejudice and discrimination prejudice pre judgment a variety of theories economic competition for resources o no need apply social psychological theories displacement theory o frustration aggression scapegoating o structural dualism binary opposition o authoritarian personality European

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