MANA 4325 1st Edition Final Exam Study Guide Lectures 18 22 Lecture 18 October 22 DEVELOPING LEADERSHIP DIVERSITY Ethnocentrism The belief that one s own culture and subculture are inherently superior to other cultures Biculturalism The sociocultural skills and attitudes used by racial minorities as they move back and forth between the dominant culture and their own ethnic or racial culture Glass Ceiling An invisible barrier that separates women and minorities from top leadership positions Diversity Workforce Diversity o A workforce made up of people with different human qualities or who belong to various cultural groups Diversity o Differences among people in terms of age ethnicity gender race or other dimensions Interactive Leadership A leadership style in which people develop personal relationships with followers share power and information empower employees and strive to enhance others feelings of self worth Social Value Systems Power Distance o How much people accept equality in power high power distance reflects an acceptance of power inequality among institutions organizations and individuals Low power distance means people expect equality in power Uncertainty Avoidance o The degree to which members of a society feel uncomfortable with uncertainty and ambiguity and thus support beliefs and behaviors that promise certainty and conformity Individualism o A value for a loosely knit social framework in which individuals are expected to take care of themselves Collectivism o A preference for a tightly knit social framework in which people look out for one another and organizations protect their members interests Masculinity o A preference for achievement heroism assertiveness work centrality and material success Femininity o A preference for relationships cooperation group decision making and quality of life Cultural Intelligence CQ refers to a person s ability to use reasoning and observation skills to interpret unfamiliar gestures and situations and devise appropriate behavioral responses Stages of Personal Diversity Awareness Highest Level of Awareness Integration o Multicultural attitude enables one to integrate differences and adapt both cognitively and behaviorally Adaptation o Able to empathize with those of other cultures o Able to shift from one cultural perspective to another Acceptance o Accepts behavioral differences and underlying differences in values o Recognizes validity of other ways of thinking and perceiving the world Minimizing Differences o Hides or trivializes cultural differences o Focuses on similarities among all peoples Defense o Perceives threat against one s comfortable worldview o Uses negative stereotyping o Assumes own culture superior Lowest Level of Awareness Lecture 19 October 24 SHAPING CULTURE AND VALUES Functions of Culture in business 1 Culture provides a sense of identity to members and increases commitment 2 Culture provides a way for employees to interpret the meaning of organizational events 3 Culture reinforces the values of the organization 4 Culture serves as a control mechanisms for shaping behavior Culture The set of key values assumptions understandings and norms that is shared by members of an organization and taught to new members as correct Importance of Culture It integrates members so that they know how to relate to one another Internal Guides day to day work Determines how communication occurs in the workplace What behavior is acceptable How power and status are allocated It helps the organization adapt to the external environment External How organization meets goals and deals with outsiders How organization responds to customers competitors Culture Strength The degree of agreement among employees about the importance of specific values and ways of doing things Culture Gap The difference between desired and actual values and behaviors o Exists in all organizations to some degree o Must pay attention to when people are adhering to the wrong values o Difficulty in merging cultures High Performance Culture Strong culture encourages adaptation Strong adaptive cultures often incorporate the following values The whole is more important than the pars and boundaries between parts are minimized Equality and trust arte primary values The culture encourages risk taking change and improvement Cultural Leadership Defines and uses signals and symbols to influence corporate culture Articulates a vision for the organizational culture that employees can believe in The cultural leader heeds the day to day activities that reinforce the cultural vision Ceremonies Stories and Symbols Ceremonies o Planned activities that make up special events and are generally conducted for the benefit of an audience Stories o Narratives based on true events that are repeated frequently and shared among employees Symbols o A object act or event that conveys meaning to others Language Selection Socialization and Daily Actions Specialized language slogans or sayings to express key corporate values Selection hiring the right people Socialization the process by which a person learns the values norms perspectives and expected behaviors that enable him or her to successfully participate in the group or organization Daily actions the signaling and support of important cultural values through a leader s daily actions Ethics The code of moral principles and values that governs the behavior of a person or group with respect to what is right and wrong Personal Ethics Employees learn from watching leaders Ethical leaders generate high trust and respect Based on courage determination and self sacrifice Must uphold commitment to values during difficult times Values Fundamental beliefs that an individual considers to be important that are relatively stable over time and that have an impact on attitudes and behavior End Values Sometimes called terminal values these are beliefs about the kind of goals or outcomes that are worth trying to pursue Instrumental Values Beliefs about the types of behavior that are appropriate for reaching goals Spiritual Values Values and practices Integrity Humility Respect Appreciation for the contributions of others Fair treatment Personal reflection Spiritual Leadership Create a vision through which organization participants experience a sense of spiritual expression through calling and membership Establish a corporate culture based on altruistic love Addresses followers higher order needs for membership and self actualization Reduces negative
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