Pitt PSY 0505 - Energy
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BIOPSYCH 0505 Edition Lecture 17 Outline of Last Lecture Exam II Outline of Current Lecture I Energy A Energy delivered 1 Lipids 2 Amino acids 3 Glucose B Energy stored 1 Fat 2 Protein 3 Glycogen II Three places of energy metabolism A Cephalic phase B Absorptive phase C Fasting phase III Eating A What we eat 1 Evolution of tastes B When do we eat 1 Pre meal hunger 2 Conditioning of Hunger Current Lecture I Energy A Energy delivered 1 Lipids fats 2 Amino acids proteins 3 Glucose sugars B Energy stored 1 Fat can store twice as much energy as glycogen Fatty acids are broken down to glycerol which then has to be further converted to glucose These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 1nd II A B C III C D 2 Protein stores less energy than fats and glycogen 3 Glycogen small percentage stored in the body because it is a much heavier molecule and has a tendency to hold water Three places of energy metabolism Cephalic phase 1 Preparatory phase which is initiated by the sight or smell of food 2 Insulin levels rise increased insulin tries to remove the glucose in the body so it can be stored for later use 3 Glucagon levels are low pancreatic hormone that converts the stored form of glucose back into useable glucose Absorptive phase 1 Nutrients from a meal meeting the body s immediate energy requirements with the excess being stored 2 Insulin levels remain high 3 Glucagon energy remains low Fasting phase 1 Energy being withdrawn from stores to meet the body s immediate needs 2 Nothing left for absorption occurs four hours after you eat 3 Glucagon levels are high as insulin levels are low Eating What we eat 1 Evolution of tastes humans have a tendency to prefer food higher in fats salts and sugars 2 In nature foods that are fatty and sweet are usually higher in nutrients and energy than less sweet or fatty foods 3 Salty foods are high in sodium which are needed for electrolyte balance in the body 4 Bitter tastes are not a favorite because bitter things are typically associated with toxins 5 Modeling of food preferences prefer flavors found in mother s milk and on the breath of others 6 Vitamins and minerals we prefer foods that are good sources of vitamins and minerals especially if there is a deficiency When do we eat 1 Pre meal hunger feel more hungry in the cephalic stage thoughts of food make you more hungry 2 Conditioning of Hunger time of day you are supposed to be hungry because it s the usual time you eat

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Pitt PSY 0505 - Energy

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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