UNT HIST 2620 - Recap & Progressive Movement
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HIST 2620 1st Edition Lecture 13 Outline of Last Lecture 1 The Emergence of the US as a World Military and Political Power c Panama Canal d Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine e Yellow Fever f Significance of Taft s Foreign Policy i Dollar Diplomacy g American Empire i Trouble with empires ii Insular cases Outline of Current Lecture 2 The Emergence of the US as a World Military and Political Power h Philippines i Cuba j Progressive Movement i Problems in the early 20th century Current Lecture 1 The Emergence of the US as a World Military and Political Power h Philippines i Remained under US control as a colony governor appointed by president of US ii Philippines realized that the US wouldn t remove the Spanish control and then leave they would remove the Spanish control and then stay iii Philippino Insurrection 1889 1901 local forces were outgunned so they had to use guerilla warfare in a jungle environment without outside help Leader was Emilio Aguinaldo iv Eventually over a period of years they received more and more rights and became self governing they gained independence in 1941 but WWII delayed their recognition for independence v July 4 1946 the US recognized Philippines as independent i Cuba i The US never owned Cuba ii US was serious when the Teller Amendment was signed These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute j iii When Cuba wrote its constitution US was surprised it didn t contain anything about the US so US required another amendment iv Platt Amendment 1903 1 Cuba should never come under the influence of any foreign power 2 US had the right to come into Cuba to help protect Cuban independence 3 Cubans would sell lease land for a naval base in Cuba for US Forcing Cubansto let US be Cuba s big brother made Cuba a dependent of the US for 60 years 1 Fidel Castro led revolution and set Cuba up with Soviet Union as opposed to US and led to the Cuban Missile Crisis 2 1959 Guerilla warfare attempted to overthrow government and set up new government with Fidel as leader Once he was in power it became clear that he was interested in aligning himself with communist government Soviet Union and began cutting ties with US this all takes place during the Cold War Soviet sent Cubans equipment and Soviet Union bought Cuba s sugar crop every year 3 1962 Cuba government had become very corrupt A US spy plane flying over Cuba discovered that the Cubans with help from Soviets were setting up nuclear missiles aimed at the US US demanded that Soviets remove missiles from Cuba 4 At the same time we had our missiles pointed at Soviets 5 For 2 weeks nobody knew if Soviets would take missiles away or fire the missiles 6 October 1962 closest the world ever came to blowing itself up Progressive Movement Reform movement of the 20th century Essentially a reaction to the rapid urbanization industrialization and the change from a slow rural society to a fast paced urban society i Problems in early 20th century society 1 Concentration of Wealth some people having more wealth than others The difference at this time however was massive 1 of population in 1910 owned 47 of all American wealth The extreme concentration of wealth seemed to contradict the American Dream 2 Depressed Condition of Labor labor unions were relatively few and weak It seemed that American labor was worse off than ever before 3 Politics were more corrupt than usual Heavy immigration from Southeast Europe Italy Greece Poland Russia No familiarity with English law language customs rights duties etc East picking for corrupt politicians Political boss provided services for immigrants in turn immigrants voted for politician no matter how corrupt in power for a decade at a time 4 Presence of more than usual poor people This problem was an extentsion of the previous three issues 2 3 of the working class could not provide for adequate food clothing shelter for their families not to mention health care education etc 1 3 of elementary school students ever made it to high school Of those who made it less than 1 10 of them ever finished high school

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