SC DANC 101 - Second Generation of Modern Dance

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Dance 101 1st Edition Lecture 101 Outline of Last Lecture I Humphrey Weidman II Ted Shawn III Martha Graham Outline of Current Lecture II Second generation of modern dance III Erick Hawkins IV Alvin Ailey Current Lecture Hanya Holm 1898 1992 German student of Rudolf scientific pioneer of modern dance Kiss Me Kate My Fair Lady Kurt Jooss 1901 1979 German student of Rudolf pioneer of modern dance The Green Table Jooss anti war statement The Second Generation Martha Hill 1900 1995 Didn t have a school company technique College professor at Bennington College in Vermont Coming together of modern dance in America First dance festival was at Bennington College Later taught at Julliard American Dance Festival Modern choreographers students dancers teachers from all over Europe and beyond Now at the festival is at Duke University used to be held at Bennington College Jose Limon 1908 1972 Technique emphasizing balance speed control Student of Humphrey Weidman He was Mexican American Emphasized fall and recovery in his company The Moor s Pavane These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Erick Hawkins 1917 1994 1st man to dance for Martha Graham and was her husband for a short time When he left Martha graham he started his own company with complete opposite principals than Martha Graham liked ease and free flow of movement Lester Horton 1906 1953 Started a school in California drew in a very famous man named Alvin Ailey American Indian Native American cultural influences Horton lived with Native Americans to study their culture and dance This is what makes Lester different Technique requires a strong torso and uses both symmetrical and asymmetrical styles Katherine Dunham 1909 2006 Went to U of Chicago and was a dancer who majored in anthropology Major influence on Ailey Negro Rhapsody Barrelhouse Blues Stormy Weather Technique combines native Caribbean and modern dance went to these cultures to study A researcher and a scholar in the field of Anthropology Black Concert Dance 1st black concert dance productions in America in Chicago Alvin Ailey 1931 1990 From texas and had an interest in modern dance even though he was a football player He was sent to Lester Horton and took over his company when Lester died He was Lesters biggest star When he moved from California he took over Lesters company at a young age and wasn t ready Left for New York and got work by Katherine Dunham and took classes with Martha Graham and George Balenchine Supported black concert dance Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre NYC Revelations Cry For Bird With Love Night Creatures

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SC DANC 101 - Second Generation of Modern Dance

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