TEMPLE ACCT 2102 - Syllabus

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Managerial Accounting ACCT2102 Section 011 Spring Semester 2010 M 5 30PM 8 00PM Alter Hall 606 Instructor Jose M Plehn Dujowich Office Alter Hall 451 E mail jplehn temple edu Office hours 2 30PM 4 30PM every Monday or by appointment Prerequisites ACCT 2101 with at least a C grade is required Please note that if you do not satisfy the course and grade requirements you will not be permitted to complete this course Course objectives Enormous changes have taken place in management accounting in the past two decades After a century of relative inactivity we now see many firms investing considerable resources to revamp their management accounting systems The emphasis has changed from the mechanical preparation of financial reports to the generation of information useful for management decision making in competitive environments This course will provide an introduction to management accounting to students seeking a career in business and management The course focuses on how managers use financial and non financial information in making both short term and long term planning and control decisions rather than on the mechanical preparation of book keeping reports As a result materials discussed are more exciting but also more relevant for students majoring in marketing finance operations or other business areas rather than accounting The course progresses at a rapid pace and requires students to prepare regularly for each class session instead of waiting until the exams Required textbook MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING First Edition 2009 John Wiley Sons Inc by R Balakrishnan K Sivaramakrishnan and G Sprinkle ISBN 978 0 471 46785 4 Special printing for Temple Blackboard I use Blackboard as a course management tool You should be automatically enrolled in Blackboard if you have registered on time PowerPoint notes will be posted under Course Document and should be printed out before each class session All other class materials will be also posted on Blackboard under Course Document Personal data On the first day of class I will collect the following data 1 Name 2 E mail address 3 Major courses taken this semester and number of credits earned at the beginning of this semester 4 Anything about you The postcard will be provided Class etiquette All of us are expected to be in class on time and ready to participate In the unusual case that you are late please enter with the minimum amount of disruption We have many important tasks to accomplish and late arrivals are disruptive and inconsiderate If you need to leave early please try to let me know before the class begins Unless there is a medical reason or an emergency none of us is allowed to leave for reasons such as to get a 1 drink of water or to take a break Food and beverages are permitted in class only as long as the room is kept clean Good manners and politeness require that we listen to and respect each others questions and ideas Private conversations are distracting and not permitted Grading The scale for grades is A 92 A 92 90 B 89 87 B 86 83 B 82 80 C 79 77 C 76 73 C 72 70 D 69 67 D 66 60 F 60 Midterm exams 2 50 points each Final exam 1 100 points Quizzes best 4 out of 5 15 points each Homeworks 10 10 points each Class participation 40 points Maximum Possible 400 points 25 25 15 25 10 100 Class preparation Preparation of materials assigned for each class before the session is very important since exams will be based mostly on the class lectures and in class discussion of cases and problems You are expected to review the assigned readings and case studies and be prepared to explain your answers to the assigned materials Exams There will be two midterm exams scheduled during regular class time on February 15 2010 and April 12 2010 and a final examination on May 10 2010 during the exam week Exams consist mostly of short problems and multiple choice questions and occasionally of short essays The exams will be focused on the materials that are discussed in the class sessions excluding Appendixes and homework problems All exams are closed book and closed notes The final grade will be based on your total score and reflect performance standards expected of Fox School students Quizzes There will be 5 quizzes during the semester Your final grade will reflect the 4 best scores out of 5 quizzes The quizzes will be mostly multiple choice questions and may include some short problems You will have about 30 minutes for each quiz All quizzes will be closed book and closed notes Make up exams or quizzes will not be given If you are excused from an exam a special final exam will be required It will cover the missed material Generally no excuses will be accepted after the scheduled exam time A grade of 0 will be assigned for unexcused absences Homework You are expected to be prepared to explain your solutions All homework will be collected and graded based on your effort and correctness indicated by a V mark or an X mark The homework is due on the date indicated on the course schedule section page 4 of the syllabus I collect homework before class time of the due date indicated in the schedule section Bring your own copy to class so you can check your answers in class You will be penalized for late homework Your final grade will reflect the 10 best scores out of 11 homeworks collected Note using solutions manuals and copying other students solutions are absolutely unacceptable Class participation Your score will be determined at the discretion of the instructor based on a subjective evaluation of the quality not necessarily the quantity of your participation in the class discussion of cases problems and other materials and overall contribution to class learning Regular attendance is a very important part of class participation score and excused absence is limited to two times Throughout the semester you are required to take the same seat that you choose on the first day of class if possible 2 Incomplete policy It is the policy of the Accounting Department that incompletes will only be given in case the student misses the final exam due to illness or family emergency The student must be passing the course when the incomplete is assigned All incompletes must be satisfied as soon as possible Integrity standards The University Catalog provides a description of what is acceptable behavior Violations such as cheating or plagiarism are unacceptable and will be dealt with by the assignment of failing grades Reputation is one of the most important things that we possess Be

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TEMPLE ACCT 2102 - Syllabus

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