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Elements of a Design Brief What problems challenges are you are addressing What activities do you want to support What do you hope people will learn Existing approaches What s already out there How existing approaches informed your work How are they lacking Design principles rationale What guides your design Examples low floor high ceiling encourage collaboration support multiple learning styles engage users in thinking about particular ideas concepts foster creative expression Design Design constraints Design process how it evolved Description of key features How it highlights key concepts supports creativity Scenarios Provide concrete example or two of how people will use your design and discuss what they ll learn as they use it Evaluation How did you introduce technology activities to users How what did they learn as they used it Future directions Suggest next steps for your project MIT OpenCourseWare http ocw mit edu MAS 714J STS 445J Technologies for Creative Learning Fall 2009 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use visit http ocw mit edu terms

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MIT MAS 714 - Elements of a Design Brief

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