UConn BIOL 1107 - Gene Expression
Type Lecture Note
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BIOL 1107 1nd Edition Lecture 18 Outline of Last Lecture I Crossing Over II Co dominance III Incomplete Dominance IV Pleiotropic V Environmental Interaction VI Epistasis VII Traits Inheritance Outline of Current Lecture I Pedigrees II Gene Expression Current Lecture I Pedigrees If males inherit mutant X chromosomes they have to phenotypic disorder however if females inherit a mutant X chromosome they are just carriers of the disorder because they have a 2nd X chromosome to use instead of the mutated one X linked recessive trait males in every other generation express mutation X linked dominant trait males and females are equally likely does not skip generations Pedigrees are useless unless you have a phenotype that you can observe o Something to detect that is different II Gene Expression In bacteria gene expression can be controlled at three levels transcription translation or post translation protein activation Changes in gene expression allow bacterial cells to respond to environmental changes Gene Expression phenotype makes a particular protein o If a gene is expressed it have been transcribed Information flow occurs in 3 steps o DNA mRNA protein activate protein Transcriptional Control occurs when a cell does not produce mRNA for specific enzymes These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Can be negative or positive Negative control occurs when a regulatory protein prevents transcription Positive control occurs when a regulatory protein increases the transcription rate Post Transcriptional Control occurs when a cell fails to activate a manufactured protein by chemical modification If you are going to build a protein you need a gene

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UConn BIOL 1107 - Gene Expression

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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