RCC HES 1 - Health Norco Final Study Guide

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Health Final Study Guide Final Exam Study Guide This is it The final exam is semi comprehensive meaning that it covers material from the entire course However 80 of the exam is like another midterm the material from last exam will be covered in depth The other 20 will be information from the rest of the topics we have covered but these questions will be of a more conceptual nature rather than the in depth manner that you are used to for regular midterm Hence you should know the general concepts for past chapters The new knowledge chapters therefore are from Cardiovascular Development and Environment and Exercise The format will be mostly multiple choice but may contain short answers as well Below are guide questions for the 80 portion Use prior study guides and notes for the remaining 20 You only need one Scantron form pencils and erasers We will have time after the exam for a few extra credit presentations However you must email me 48 hours in advance if you would like to present Lastly be ON TIME for this exam as I will lock the door at the start of the exam Will will start promptly at 6 p m Good luck Development and Environment Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis Know about the Female hormones and how each contributes to reproduction How does an egg ova get fertilized by sperm to make a zygote Know the stages of fetal growth and development Zygote formation cleavage blastula gastrula sperm ova ectoderm endoderm mesoderm Trophoblast chorion amnion placenta structure and function and changes during the trimesters of pregnancy Review the environmental toxins from Powerpoint and know where they are found and their potential dangers Mercury Alcohol PCBs Lead Arsenic nicotine and ETS manganese pesticides food colorings solvents and PBDEs Cardiovascular system and health What makes up blood What is plasma Red blood cells Why are these important Anything else in blood What are arteries What are veins How are these similar or different What are capillaries What happens here Which arteries carry deoxygenated blood Which veins carry oxygenated blood Know the structure of the heart discussed in class be able to identify them What is the pulmonary circuit What is the systemic circuit What is systolic pressure What causes this pressure What is diastolic pressure What causes this pressure What is normal blood pressure for humans What things increase heart rates What things decrease heart rates What factors that affect cardiovascular health What are the RISK Factors What is contained in tobacco smoke What adverse effects on your body happen due to tobacco smoke What is cholesterol Why is this important in your body What are LDL s What are HDL s Which one is good Which one is bad What levels are desirable or risky How does physical activity affect cardiovascular heath cardiovascular health How does obesity affect What is diabetes and how does it relate to cardiovascular health What are the Gender differences Is it better to be apple or pear shaped Why What is metabolic Syndrome What is a stroke A heart attack What is hypertension Who is at risk What factors can you control How is diet related to heart disease Exercise What is balloon angioplasty Why for most people a healthy diet can help keep your arteries elastic and your blood pressure at a healthy level Explain Myocardial Infarction Thrombosis What is heart muscle called What is Hardening of the arteries called What is the magic bullet against Cardiovascular disease What is the liver s role in cholesterol What blood cells clot blood What is an aneurysm What is the most severe type of stroke Note The cardiovascular system is responsible for delivering oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and to remove toxins and waste products away from your cells Can you describe how blood flows through the heart Can you describe what blood is and things that can be found in your blood that can cause your heart disease EXERCISE and Health Read exercise chapter in your text t What is meant by a hypokinetic disease List some long term benefits of regular exercise What are the principles of a good fitness training program What is meant by overload in this program What is the FITT formula What does each letter stand for What is ATP How does aerobic and anaerobic activity reflect differences in ATP What do the terms aerobic and anaerobic mean List some aerobic exercises What is Lactic acid build up When does this happen What is Cardio respiratory Endurance How does one calculate his or her TARGET ZONE Know this for lower and higher threshold TZs What is body composition What considered an obese body weight What is an obese BMI What is BMI How is it measured What is Caloric Balance Positive Negative Neutral Compare and contrast types of exercises isometric isotonic isokinetic How do we develop muscular strength and endurance What is the recommended schedule of exercise for healthy adults What are the benefits of an exercise routine

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RCC HES 1 - Health Norco Final Study Guide

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