ISU AECL 365 - A_ECL_365_Palacios_jslavik_Terrestial_Locomotion_answers

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10 26 SI A ECL 365 Terrestrial Locomotion 1 What are the five general types of terrestrial locomotion a Running jumping climbing crawling digging 2 means good at running a Cursorial 3 Describe plantigrade foot posture a Plantigrade Walk on the sole of the foot palm of hand bears humans 4 Describe digitigrade foot posture a Digitigrade walk on digits fingers and toes most birds dinosaurs dogs cats 5 Describe unguiligrade foot posture a Unguilgrade walk on tips of digits or nails touch ground horse deer i Nail modified into a hoof 6 How does an increase in limb length increase speed a Longer limbs give longer stride greater speed b Foot posture also contributes to functional length of limb i unguligrade digitigrade 7 Name several speed adaptations a Increased limb length longer stride greater speed b Flexing spinal column c Unsupported intervals during stride d Free shoulder girdle e Reduce distal weight on limbs f Increase rate of stride 8 What is another name for jumping locomotion a Saltatorial locomotion b Bipedal or quadrupedal c 9 What is ricochet locomotion a Specialized form of bipedal jumping 10 What are physical characteristics of jumpers especially those with ricochet locomotion a Well developed hind limbs b Strong pelvic girdle for shock absorption c Relatively long tail to counter balance 11 What is another name for climbing locomotion a Scansorial locomotion 12 What are various adaptations that allow vertebrates to climb a Long claws nails usually sharp b Adhesive disks on digits suction cup like structure c Lamellae series of pads with many small hairs hairs bond with surface d Opposable digits e Prehensile tail 13 What is the name of the small hairs in lamellae that bond with the surface of whatever they are climbing a Setae 14 How are opposable digits useful and in what groups are they found a Allow organism to grip objects b Found in primates some lizards panda etc 15 What vertebrates display crawling locomotion a Legless organisms some amphibians reptile groups b Several thousand species fairly successful method of movement 16 What are the four types of crawling a Lateral undulations serpentine b Rectilinear caterpillar c Concertina the climbers and burrowers d Side winding desert species 17 Lateral undulations or is movement on land a Serpentine anguilliform 18 Rectilinear or is movement in a line The belly scales or grab a surface and push the body a Caterpillar straight scutes forward 19 Concertina is where a part of the body is in an shaped coil The body is pulled forward through the and then anchored again a Anchored S shaped coil 20 winding is throwing the body coils at a time The snake tracks but the body is at an angle to direct travel a Side 2 3 forward 21 What is another name for digging a Fossorial 22 Name some adaptations for digging a Powerful forelimbs with long claws b Reduction of limbs and some limb loss c Low flat body profile with short limbs d In mammals fur very thick and plush to protect them from dirt 23 Why would limb loss be advantageous to digging animals a Limbs don t get in the way anymore

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ISU AECL 365 - A_ECL_365_Palacios_jslavik_Terrestial_Locomotion_answers

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