IUB TEL-T 343 - Creation of Proposal

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Tel T343 1nd Edition Lecture 13 Outline of Current Lecture I When creating a leave behind remember II Layout III Communicate in the Proposal Current Lecture I When creating a leave behind remember Anything created to hand over either physically or digitally to a client or potential client creates rand awareness Your company should have brand requirements known as graphical standards or corporate standards Fonts logo placement and usage color schemes and presentation styles Consider your audience and your purpose makes sure that the look and feel of your leave behind design mimics what you re going for and suits the people you re handing it off to Who is the psychographic of your client II Layout Generally speaking centering text down the center of the page looks messy and is difficult to read Lines of text should not extend all the way from margin to margin Large blocks of texts should be avoided but when paragraphs are necessary make sure to present it in a way that is easy to pick up and read with little effort Know colors that don t work well together With all graphics charts include text that describes the content to make it optimally easy for prospects Use professional fonts Serified fonts are more traditional Sans serif fonts are more modern III Communicate in the Proposal These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Title page Table of contents Problems page Features benefits of the medium at least 5 Understanding the market of Potter s Pub

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IUB TEL-T 343 - Creation of Proposal

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