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HIST 2620 1ST Edition Lecture 5 Outline of Last Lecture I Imperial America Intro to Imperial America Indian Wars 1860 1890 Grants Peace Policy 1868 1882 II The Frontier Thesis Turner and The Frontier Thesis Frontier Thesis and the Census Fears of Losing the Frontier Theodore Roosevelt s take on the Frontier III Markets and the New Imperialism New Imperialism Open Door policy The Boxer Rebellion Naval Power The Spanish American War Philippine War The Anti Imperialistic League The Reign of Roosevelt Outline of Current Lecture I II The War Abroad Imperial War Cultural Racial Nationalism States of War Character of Warfare Industrial War US and WWI Beginning of WWI US Neutrality These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III Preparedness Mobilization Selective Service Act Espionage Sedictive Acts Creel Committee War and The Gospel of Efficacy War Industrial Board National War Labor Board Food administration Eugenics and Racial Nationalism American Expeditionary Force The Breakdown Of Progressivism IV The Peace Process Aftermath of WWI The Treaty of Versailles Demobilization and Immigration Immigration Exclusion Race and the Red Scare The Second Ku Klux Klan Transformation of Black Activism The Polar Bear Expedition Breakdown of the Lef Election of 1929 Current Lecture I The War Abroad Imperial War Imperialism continued in the US and many European countries all the way up to WWI the imperial war was fought globally and mainly over the contestation over colonial resources The winners of these disputes most commonly collected the losing countries colonies furthering their personal empires Cultural Racial Nationalism pertaining to the most common ideal of white superiority in which they thought themselves superior and unified Created a strange sense of Anglo superiority in the most civilized and superior countries States of War During this time period many nations were being colonized under a specific countries rule but there were a few who were able to establish their own separate independent governments Therefore there were a lot of stand alone independent nations being created at this time Ex Poland Finland Character of Warfare Leading up to the First World War powerful countries had begun a new type of warfare that held boiling amounts of misplaced warfare The French called this type of belligerence lan vital meaning offensive or belligerent spirit Industrial War The industrial war consisted of the mass production of weapons ammunition food and transportation which were the most important for belligerent nations This led to an unprecedented scale of destruction and carnage II US and WWI Beginning of WWI 1914 WWI begins in August both sides were bogged down by October Soldiers would dig trenches and bring up extremely heavy artillery This would continue for four years without either side advancing US Neutrality 1915 While The US was still claiming to be neutral German submarines began sinking ships that held cargo for Triple Entent powers However they ended up sinking a ship called the Lusitania in 1915 that was a passenger ship including several American passengers This offence against the US pushed Wilson and many Americans to abandon neutrality but these ideas were held at bay until 1917 1916 The war became more and more unpopular in Europe The United States claimed neutrality which became very profitable because they were able to sell supplies to both the Allied Powers and the Triple Entent Therefore the industrialists in the US were very proWWI and wanted the US to join while a majority of Americans especially farmers were not in favor of the US joining the war 1917 Germany announces unrestricted submarine warfare against any ships American or not thus forcing the US to intervene and enter WWI Preparedness Mobilization Preparedness During their neutrality the US semi mobilized their industries and military in case of war They did this through three ways 1 Liberty bonds which were issued by the federal government for funds to grow the US military 2 Civil Advisory Commission and 3 Increased income tax 2 only doubled from the first income tax Selective Service Act In order to mobilize the US military the US passed the Selective Service Act that acted as a draf which increased the US military force from 200k to 3 6million in 1918 Espionage Sedictive Acts Creel Committee The Creel Committee was in charge of facilitating propaganda with the intent to inflame American passions against Germany The Espionage and Sedictive acts were passed to decreas4e anti war sentiments on the threat of imprisonment War and The Gospel of Efficacy During the mobilization process the US federal government and US businesses worked closely together to create the most efficient output of materials as they could Also Known as Associationalism War Industrial Board The War Industrial Board centralized the production and distribution of industrial and agricultural goods under a series of committees led by the business elite National War Labor Board The National Labor Board maintained uninterrupted production by becoming the supreme arbitrator over labor controversies during war time Meaning this board was solely n charge of handling worker disputes and conflicts so that disputes were held at a minimum Food administration The food Administration was an institute cooperative with wartime measures to produce and consume food efficiently This was maintained through the use of scientific management and progressive ideals of conservation to win the war by streamlining industrial efficiency Eugenics and Racial Nationalism The idea of racial hygiene meant building a stronger nation through strict regulation of racial ethnic population and reproduction Also the idea that nation have character qualities 100 Americanism Anglo Saxonism Madison Grant wrote a book called The Passing of the Great Race which talked about the popular idea of racial nationalism and white superiority Hitler claimed this was his bible American Expeditionary Force Americans were very hesitant to send their troops to the European front line conditions The American Expeditionary Force was different from the other European armies because they brought more fire power By the beginning of their involvement most European nations were ready to call an armistice however the US was fresh and unwilling to give up afer so much preparation III The

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