Tel T343 1nd Edition Lecture 12 Outline of Current Lecture I Direct Sales II Proposals Never III Proposals Always IV Sales collateral Current Lecture I Direct Sales a Media planning calculations matter primarily to National agency sales b Direct sales have much more to do with the relationship you make with the prospect i Price has much less to do with it If you like an Audi you will pay more c CPM cost per thousand cost of media buy total audience x 1000 i Cost per one thousand people d CPM TM cost of media buy targeted audience x 1000 e CPRP for a program placement program rating i Cost per rating point cost per point CPP II Proposals Never a Merely list avails Never just list advertising ability b Merely give a rate card i This is how much an ad costs in x seconds These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute ii Advertising is not a commodity Listeners from X are different from Y and here s why iii When you have these in your proposal it says buy with us or them it s all the same c Lie to prospects d Sell prospects what they don t need e Use bait and switch f Bad mouth the competition III Proposals Always a Give information about the advantages i Imply that it is over the competition don t straight out say it b Give competitive advantage i Differential competitive advantage a feature that you have that arguably your competitors don t c Create Value d Are part of a presentation IV Sales collateral a When your prospects open up a piece of sales collateral at least in part of it they should say I remember having that conversation with them b Mentions features and advantages of your medium direct mail etc c Mentions company d Mentions product features e Three tiered description of value
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