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Chapter 14 Databases in Electronic Commerce Database Systems Design Implementation and Management What is Electronic Commerce Definition Bring new products services or ideas to market Support and enhance business operations including sales of products services over the Web Generally identified with Internet use External evidence is corporate Web site Prime revenue source Not an end in itself 2 E Commerce Impact Changed business environment New economy Benefits Ability to provide quick and convenient comparison shopping 24X7X365 operations Global access Lower entry barriers Increased customer market knowledge Disadvantages Hidden costs Technology is not perfect Thin profit margins Security loss of privacy service levels and legal issues 3 E Commerce Styles Figure 14 1 4 E Commerce Architecture Managerial issues Establishing partnerships Suppliers Distributors Vendors Design and development of business plans Technological issues Hardware and software Well planned architecture 5 E Commerce Architecture Con t Figure 14 2 6 Internet Basic Services Internet TCP IP Router WWW Web Page HTML Hyperlink URL HTTP Web Browser Web Server Web Site Static Web Page Dynamic Web Page FTP E Mail News and Discussion Group Services 7 Business Enabling Services Search Services Security Site Monitoring and Data Analysis Load Testing Balancing and Web Caching Usability Testing Personalization Web Development Database Integration Transaction Processing Content Management Messaging Wireless Device Support 8 Security Procedures and technology uses Protection against accidental and intentional access Warrantee identity of transaction s participants Buyer Seller Protect transaction data from unauthorized modifications during Internet travel Protect resources data and computer Customers personal data Privacy issues Property against criminal activities 9 Sample E Commerce Transaction Figure 14 4 10 Payment Processing Digital Cash Credit Card purchasing Digital equivalent of hard cash Digital certificates verify identity of transaction participants Low transaction costs Lack of customer acceptance Most common for online purchasing Secure Electronic Transaction SET Electronic wallets 11 Database Design for ECommerce Don t reinvent the wheel No need for new design techniques Scope Facilitate sales of products and services Show products and services Conduct basic sales transactions Customer service Product returns Web customer profiling 12 Extensible Markup Language XML Meta language Represents and manipulates data elements Facilitates exchange of structured documents over the Web World Wide Web Consortium W3C published standard definition in 1998 Allows definition of meta tags to describe data elements 13 XML Characteristics Allows definition of new tags Case sensitive Tags must be well formed Proper nesting required Can use and to enter comments XML or xml prefixes reserved for XML tags only Not a replacement for HTML 14 Contents of ProductList xml Figure 14 5 15 Document Type Definition DTD File with dtd extension to describe XML elements Provides composition of database s logical model Defines syntax rules for each XML document Defines valid tags 16 XML Schema May 2001 standard Advanced data definition language used to describe structure of XML documents Checks for database types Validates data for out of range values XML Schema Definition XSD file uses syntax like XML document 17 Extensible Style Language XSL Specifies rules for display of XML data Two parts Extensible Style Language Transformation XSLT XSL style sheets General mechanism to extract and process data from one XML document and transform within another Defines presentation rules applied to XML elements Describes formatting options for different XML elements Limited browser support 18 Framework for XML Transformations Figure 14 10 19 XML Applications B2B exchanges Legacy system integration Web page development Database support Database meta dictionaries XML databases XML services 20

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St. Ambrose CSCI 360 - Databases in Electronic Commerce

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