UNT HIST 2620 - The Emergence of the US as a World Military & Political Power; Spanish - American War
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HIST 2620 1st Edition Lecture 11 Outline of Last Lecture 1 The Emergence of the US as a World Military and Political Power a Spanish American War i Cuban Revolution 1 Teller Amendment ii Causes of Spanish American War iii Key points of war iv Platt Amendment v Significance of war Outline of Current Lecture 1 The Emergence of the US as a World Military and Political Power c Panama Canal d Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine e Yellow Fever f Significance of Taft s Foreign Policy i Dollar Diplomacy g American Empire i Trouble with empires ii Insular cases Current Lecture 1 The Emergence of the US as a World Military and Political Power c Panama Canal i The French were the first to have the contract to cut through Panama but failed due to Yellow Fever and inability to overcome the engineering problems of rising the ship French negotiated contract with Panama that favored the US Columbia s rejection angered Roosevelt ii Phillippe Bunau Varilla wanted to buy guns ammo and mercenaries for revolution Although US had an obligation to stop a revolution they looked the other way Varilla wen to Panama and seized all the key ports in a coo This worked and established a new nation iii A naval expedition was sent to Panama to crush the rebellion Between them in the coast was the US navy to prevent conflicts and the Columbians were forced to abandon their expedition because they were outgunned These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute iv Shortly after Panama s independence they gave US right to build canal The canal opened in 1914 as one of the greatest engineering feats to date US controlled land on both sides for 99 years v In the 1970s US gave the canal back to Panama Alienated the public opinion in Latin America that US is a meddling neighbor d Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine i The 1823 Monroe Doctrine said the US won t interfere in European politics but that Europe should not interfere with American side of the Atlantic ii But the British French and German were dominating the lives of Latin countries The Latin countries borrowed money from them and couldn t make the payments back so the Europeans came and took their treasury departments to take a percentage off the top of the debt This angered Roosevelt iii In 1904 Roosevelt told Europe to stay out and said that America would go in to get the revenue US would be the police state Europeans listened this time Americans sent bureaucrats to collect money to pay off debts to Europeans America has no corruption in paying the money iv Latin countries still didn t like it 1 Left US the only major western power 2 Left bad relations with Latin America e Yellow Fever i Discovered that it came from mosquitoes Walter Reed and William C Gorgas found the solution to the problem They drained swamps and still water and used screens poured chemicals onto still standing water f Significance of Taft s Foreign Policy i Dollar Diplomacy US would support any American company that wished to expand their operations into other countries especially in South and Centralized America g American Empire i Trouble with empires 1 Always in need of a large army to protect all the land meaning more taxes on the people 2 Didn t stay true to American ideals of Declaration of Independence about freedom because colonies broke the tradition 3 Had to pay attention to Asian politics because they had colonies near Asia ii Insular cases 1 Cases about whether the Constitutions follows the flag meaning having the same rights where we claim land 2 Insular islands 3 Court decides its up to congress

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