UNT HIST 2620 - The Emergence of the US as a World Military and Political Power; American Expansion
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HIST 2620 Section 008 Lecture 10 Outline of Last Lecture 1 Three Geographic zones of Development c Industrial Boom in the North cont d i Philosophy of big business ii Organizing labor movement Outline of Current Lecture 1 The Emergence of the US as a World Military and Political Power a American expansion i Definition of expansion and imperialism ii Causes of expansion iii Expansionists iv Policies of Current Lecture I The Emergence of the US as a World Military and Political Power a American expansion i Definition of expansion and imperialism 1 Expansion argues Social Darwinism and the White Man s Burden a White Man s Burden Assuming God s favorite people were northern European whites and Americans He expects the white man to help the less fortunate as if it were their duty 2 Imperialism is essentially the basis of expansion it is the policy of extending a country s power and influence through diplomacy or military force ii Causes of expansion 1 Loss of the American frontier 2 The West Coast became more important as they became gateways to the Pacific Basin increased want for expansion into the Pacific 3 Americans were fighting amongst themselves so they wanted a foreign adventure to distract them 4 With all of the economic growth the US thought they needed a more continuous market in reality they did not produce as much as they thought iii Expansionists These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 1 William Seward the Secretary of State wanted to buy Alaska because of its timber rich fishing grounds fur bearing animals and the fact that getting Alaska would mean removing a potential rival from North American Russia Seward also wanted the Virgin Islands and Dominican Republic He believed the Civil War made the US a world power 2 Teddy Roosevelt 3 Henry Cabot Lodge 4 Alfred Vaire Mahan a The aforementioned people also believed that since the greatest world powers had a powerful navy the US should build modern ships cut a canal in Central America and acquire colonies iv Policies of 1 1867 Annexation of Midway Island a Became important in WW2 as a military oupost 2 1893 Hawaii Revolution a The monarchy under Queen Lilioukalani was overthrown when American missionaries and sugar planters arrived and were greeted with hostility b The Hawaiian Americans played a coo on the queen asked to be annexed to US and was turned down until President McKinley was in office 3 1899 Samoa Agreement a Both the Germans and the British were also interested in Samoa because it had one of the best ports of the Pacific and was a good stop before Asia before the canal was built b In 1899 the British navy was called away from Samoa and so the Germans and Americans took the opportunity to split it

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