UConn PSYC 1100 - Damage to Association Cortex
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PSYC 1100 1nd Edition Lecture 10 Outline of Last Lecture I The Cerebral Cortex a Frontal Lobes b Parietal Lobes c Temporal Lobes d Occipital Lobes Outline of Current Lecture I Damage to the Non Primary Association Cortex Pre Frontal Lesions Apraxia Agnosia Neglect Aphasia o Expressive Aphasia o Receptive Aphasia II Split Brain Studies III Note Visual Pathways Current Lecture I Damage to the Non Primary Association Cortex Pre Frontal Lesions loss of planning moral reasoning sensitivity to social context These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Apraxia no doing failure in sequencing components of actions inability to organize movements o FRONTAL lesions lesions just forward of motor cortex o NOT paralysis as form of motor cortex lesion Agnosia no knowing deficit in interpreting categorizing labeling knowing o OCCIPITAL or TEMPORAL lesions o Sensory systems themselves ex eyes are okay Neglect RIGHT hemisphere parietal damage causes inattention to whole left side Aphasia LEFT hemisphere frontal or temporal damage causes deficits in language functioning o Expressive Aphasia cannot produce speech Lesion to BROCA S AREA frontal association area o Receptive Aphasia cannot understand speech and consequently cannot produce it Lesion to WERNICKE S AREA temporal association area II Split Brain Studies Sever corpus collosum to reduce severity of seizures o Leaves patient mostly normal but with left and right brain independent of each other in subtle ways III NOTE VISUAL PATHWAYS Left side of each eye sends information to left hemisphere and right side of each eye sends information to right hemisphere therefore left visual field goes to right hemisphere and right visual field goes to left hemisphere BLINDSIGHT seeing nothing in large parts of visual field due to damage of occipital lobe

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UConn PSYC 1100 - Damage to Association Cortex

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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