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EDP 5300 975 Vandalia Theory into Practice Psychological Foundations for Educational Practice Fall 2011 Instructor Office Office Phone Office Hours E mail Rick Roberts Ph D Room 2109 BB 581 2400 M F 9 3pm or by appointment rlroberts eiu edu THEME Educators as Creators of Effective Educational Environments Integrating Students Subjects Strategies and Societies LEARNING MODEL INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES This course is internet based and uses a constructivist approach to teaching Instructional activities will include live and recorded lectures assigned reading internet postings threaded discussion and writing The course will utilize emerging technologies within WebCt such as on line web content email threaded discussion video and PowerPoint Therefore students must have access to the internet to complete the course TEXTS Weiten W Dunn D Hammer E 2012 Psychology Applied to Modern Life 10th ed Belmont CA Wadsworth American psychological Association 2010 Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 6th ed Washington DC Author Readings as assigned COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to increase the effectiveness of classroom teachers by enhancing their understanding of themselves and their students and to make the organization of teaching learning and performance compatible with the psychological structures in which students are most productive engaged and likely to learn COURSE OBJECTIVES 1 To acquaint students with research and theory in educational psychology relevant to the problems of adjustment in today s complex world 1 2 To develop a conceptual framework for understanding behavior and thus increase tolerance for diversity in the classroom 3 To foster personal growth by a sharpening student s self awareness and selfunderstanding and b providing the student with tools to enhance the effectiveness of psychological and physical health 4 To consider conditioning and cognitive learning theories within the contexts of personality development and school programs 5 To investigate the nature of Psychological Disorders and the impact of Mental Health issues in the school 6 To foster personal and professional goal setting within an educational context COURSE REQUIREMENTS 1 7 postings within WebCt s threaded discussions section There will be 7 one page postings using Microsoft Word and attached to the threaded discussion section of WebCt Students will be required to write on a topic related to a recorded lecture and or assigned reading Papers are to be written in APA style and supported using at least one educational research source Each discussion is worth 20 points and is based on content 5 points analysis 5 points relevant research support 5 points and APA style 5 points 2 12 Online WebCt Quizzes There will be twelve online open book quizzes over the assigned chapter from Weiten Each quiz is worth 10 points 3 2 Papers You will write two papers for this class Paper 1 Leadership and Personality In order to make the concepts of this course meaningful to you as an individual and to help you in your journey toward self understanding you will write a paper based on your personality with an eye toward Leadership This paper should be absolutely no longer than 8 pages including a cover page and reference section no abstract and must follow APA style Use at least 3 research articles to support your paper Papers will be reduced by one letter grade if they exceed a total of 8 pages The following sections are required Section 1 First describe your personality based on McCrae and Costa s research Second visit the website for the Keirsey Temperament Scale There you will find a free version of the Sorter which is a personality inventory You will have to register with the site to take the profile After you have completed the Sorter you will receive a description of your personality type based on the information you provide 2 Third visit similarminds com and click on the 16 type Jung Test Click on the Jung Test Short Test 53 Questions Once you have your results you can enter your type e g INFJ into a Google search and view descriptions of your type Also you can go to www knowyourtype com 16 types html and see what it has to say Fourth Describe what the results of steps 1 3 a reveal about you and b how they will influence your leadership style Section 2 Personal Assessment Describe the results of your Mayo Stress Test and Personal Resource Management analysis Again what does the data reveal about your leadership Section 3 Personal Goals Please answer the following questions o What do I want to accomplish to improve my psychological and physical health o What do I need to do today to get started o What barriers physical and mental keep me from accomplishing these goals o What strategies will I use to overcome the barriers Paper 2 Learning Theory Gender and Professional Goals Section 1 Utilize what you have learned from modules 10 and 11 Learning Theories to o describe which learning theory ies you think is are most effective o discuss the strength criticism of the theory ies using a minimum of 4 research articles to support your argument Section 2 Based on the gender lectures module 12 describe how you would work to create a gender neutral school department if you were the leader Section 3 Professional Goals Please answer the following questions o What do I want to be professionally in the next 5 years o What do I need to do today to get started o What barriers physical and mental keep me from accomplishing these goals o What strategies will I use to overcome the barriers 3 As with the first paper this one should be absolutely no longer than 8 pages including a cover page and reference section no abstract and must follow APA style Papers will be reduced by one letter grade if they exceed a total of 8 pages 4 Mock Job Interview You will meet in our last live class and get in groups of four Each person in the group will volunteer to be an interviewee and the other three will ask the following questions in this mock interview 1 What is your leadership style like 2 What learning theories do you think will be most effective to implement in our school over the next few years and why 3 How will you implement these learning styles in our schools Note This is a participation grade you will not be asked to grade your peer Summary of possible points Five threaded discussions 7 20 points each Twelve quizzes 10 points each Self portrait Leadership Reflection Live Class Interview 140 points 120 points

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EIU EDP 5300 - Theory into Practice

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