TEL 340 1nd Edition Exam 3 Study Guide What is the creative team The copywriter and art director are the creative team It takes experience to find the right balance What is the purpose of a headline It gets attention and targets potential customers What are the 8 rules for writing copy KISS use familiar words and phrases use presentence avoid passive voice use active voice vary length or sentences and paragraphs involve reader avoid clich s prove your claims What is a media plan Media class Media vehicle Media plan Specifies the media in which advertising messages will be placed located to reach the desired target audience Media class The general category of advertising in the plan newspapers television radio billboards etc Media vehicle Is the specific media used Ex Indy Star Wall Street Journal What are the advantages and disadvantages of newspapers Advantages Geographic selectivity timeliness creative opportunity credibility people like to look through the ads cost Disadvantages Poor demographic segmentation creative constraints cluttered environment short shelf life What is the definition of sales promotion and what is its role and importance It is the use of incentive techniques to increase brand value among consumers or the trade Its purpose to produce an immediate measurable response and to capture the attention of the customer What are the differences between promotion and advertising Promotion Stimulate short term demand encourage brand switching induce trail use promote price orientation and produces immediate short term results Advertising Cultivate long term demand encourage brand loyalty encourage repeat buys promote image orientation long term results What is consumer oriented sales promotion Used to stimulate trial purchase repeat purchase longer purchases and to introduce a new brand Some examples include coupons price off deals specialty items contests and sweepstakes samples and trial offers and product placement What are the two faces of public relations Proactive Long term like advertising Reactive short term like promotion What are the objectives of PR Promote goodwill promote a good or service for internal communications defend against negative publicity lobbying counseling the part of any business that is going to grow most rapidly What is direct marketing and what is its goal Interactive advertising using different media to get a measurable response An interactive system of marketing to individual consumers one that uses various media to produce an immediate measurable response transaction Its goal is to establish a long term relationship Major purposes are the make the sale identify prospects for future sales start continuing relationship with customer What is RFM analysis R Recency when did you last buy it F Frequency How often do you buy it M Monetary How much do you spend when you buy it What are the three kinds of networks Centralized Ex FedEx all connects back to central station Decentralized Ex Airline route structure flight change plans land at destination Distributed Ex Internet can get form point A to point B by almost any route What are the advantages of Internet marketing Merges text video voice data Borderless international Simultaneous exposure Flexibility of message Relatively low barriers to entry Low incremental costs Easy to track customer behavior response to ads Easy to quantify business results What is viral marketing Marketing techniques that latch onto existing social networks encouraging users to pass on a message
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