Lecture 14 Debugging Last time 1 Unit testing and JUnit Today 1 The Eclipse Debugger CMSC 131 Fall 2007 Jan Plane The problem Problem JUnit can only tell if that passes or fails and where Need a way to be able to see what is in memory variables at every step to be able to do complete trace like that call stack examples we have been doing Solution The debugger gives the ability to go through the code displaying additional information similar to the by hand call stack that we have been doing CMSC 131 Fall 2007 Jan Plane 1 Terminology Break Point drop a marker into the code so when it runs the execution will stop at that point allows you to not have to go step by step through things you believe are correct Step Over takes one step in the current method if that step is a method call it performs that whole method call and steps to the next line in the current method Step Into takes one step in the current method if that step is a method call it steps into that method so that you can then step through it before getting to the next line in the method you were in CMSC 131 Fall 2007 Jan Plane 2 Eclipse Run Debug As Run As CMSC 131 Fall 2007 Jan Plane 3 Corner Cases Those that fit between or are different than the normal examples really long empty string single character word CMSC 131 Fall 2007 Jan Plane 4
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