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CSC2427 Course Notes Title Alignment Needleman Wunsch Smith Waterman Date Feb 1 2006 Scribe Gabe Musso Topics 1 Needleman Wunsch Global Alignment 2 Hirschberg s Algorithm 3 Smith Waterman Local Alignment Background Importance of Sequence Alignment Comparative analysis is the backbone of evolutionary biology It was phenotypic variation which allowed Darwin to compose his theory of natural selection That theory rests on the fact that transfer of the genetic code from parent to progeny does not exist without change It is these changes in genetic sequence which allow for divergence of species and thus provide a backdrop for natural selection Just as comparative analysis was key for evolutionary biology sequence alignment is the cornerstone of modern bioinformatics Rapid and automated sequence analysis facilitates everything from functional classification structural determination of proteins to studies of genetic expression and evolution 1 Needleman Wunsch Global Alignment In the last class we discussed how dynamic programming can be used to solve alignment problems recall that dynamic programming algorithms finds the best solution by breaking the original problem into smaller sub problems and then solving The Needleman Wunsch algorithm is an application of a best path strategy dynamic programming used to find optimal sequence alignment Needleman and Wunsch 1970 Basically the concept behind the Needleman Wunsch algorithm stems from the observation that any partial sub path that tends at a point along the true optimal path must itself be the optimal path leading up to that point Therefore the optimal path can be determined by incremental extension of the optimal sub paths In a Needleman Wunsch alignment the optimal path must stretch from beginning to end in both sequences hence the term global alignment Recall that the score at any position in a global alignment matrix is M i j MAX Mi 1 j 1 S Ai Bj Mi 1 j gap Mi j 1 gap when tracing back the alignment path horizontal and vertical movement is a gap and diagonal movement is a match In order to perform a Needleman Wunsch alignment a matrix is created which allows us to compare the two sequences The score as determined through use of the above calculation is placed in the corresponding cell This algorithm performs alignments with a time complexity of O mn and a space complexity of O mn Example Find the best alignment of these two sequences ACTGATTCA ACGCATCA Using 2 as a gap penalty 3 as a mismatch penalty and 2 as the score for a match Solution Step 1 Draw the matrix For 2 sequences length m and length n what size scoring matrix is needed for their alignment Grid dimensions must be m 1 n 1 Think of each increment as a division of the sequence members Step 2 Assign scores Step 3 Trace back The optimal path is traced beginning from the lower right hand corner Result This analysis yielded the following alignment ACTG ATTCA AC GCAT CA The alignment score is equal to the value in the lower right hand corner of the matrix 8 Score AA CC T GG C AA TT T CC AA 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 2 Hirschberg s Algorithm While the Needleman Wunsch algorithm works well for sequence alignment its space complexity O mn limits the size of sequences it can align Hirschberg s algorithm uses a divide and conquer strategy to decrease the space requirement Specifically for two sequences m and n the first string is cut m1 and m2 and the second string is cut in a corresponding place into n1 and n2 The alignment is then solved recursively on m1 and n1 and m2 and n2 It is important to note that the two sub strings i e n1 and n2 need not have the same length Example 1 With respect to sequence alignment the objective is to take the sum at given intervals and use the value corresponding to the alignment score as the dividing point In this figure the sum up to the dividing line 37 5 adds up to the alignment score Example 2 What is the sequence of recursive calls on the following sequence alignment when using Hirschberg s algorithm ACTG ACTT The alignment is s1 ACTG s2 ACTT Solution s1 0 3 s2 0 3 s1 0 1 s2 0 1 s1 0 0 s2 0 0 s1 1 1 s2 1 1 s1 2 3 s2 2 3 s1 2 2 s2 2 2 s1 3 3 s2 3 3 3 Relating Local Alignments to Global Alignments When aligning two very large sequences it is often useful to determine the locations of high similarity regions Now that we know how to calculate the global alignments how can we find all local high scoring hits or local alignments above a given threshold for two large sequences The answer is related to a programming pearl the Maximum Contiguous Subsequence Sum MSS Problem Given integers A1 A2 AN find and identify the sequence corresponding to the maximum value of j k 1 Ak Solution Can be solved in time complexity of n mss A max 0 sum 0 for i 1 i n i 1 sum sum A i if sum max max sum if sum 0 sum 0 return max Analysis When a subsequence occurs which has a negative sum the subsequence which will be examined next can begin after the first subsequence the one that produced the negative sum Basically the entire first subsequence is regarded as not having a starting point which will generate a positive sum For example consider this set of numbers 4 6 2 2 14 9 Some sums are positive 4 4 6 4 6 2 4 6 2 2 but the sum of the first 5 terms 4 6 2 2 14 is negative Therefore it follows logically that any sequence starting between the 4 and 14 and ending with the 14 will have a negative sum The maximum contiguous subsequence sum searches exactly for the highest scoring local area We now generalize this approach for sequence alignment 4 Smith Waterman Local Alignment Over a decade after the initial publication of the Needleman Wunsch algorithm a modification was made to allow for local alignments Smith and Waterman 1981 Today the Smith Waterman alignment algorithm is the one used by the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool BLAST which is the most cited resource in biomedical literature In this adaptation the alignment path does not need to reach the edges of the search graph but may begin and end internally In order to accomplish this 0 was added as a term in the score calculation described by Needleman and Wunsch Recall that for global alignments the value at any point is M i j MAX Mi 1 j 1 S Ai Bj Mi 1 j gap Mi j 1 gap However for local alignments the score calculation becomes M I j MAX Mi 1 j 1 S Ai Bj Mi 1 j gap Mi j 1 gap 0 The implication of this is that there are no values below zero in a local alignment scoring matrix and the reason for the zero is exactly the …

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