MIT 16 881 - Context of Robust Design

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Context of Robust Design Don Clausing Fig 1 Don Clausing 1998 Case study An automatic document handler ADH was developed at the SS level When integrated into the total system there were many new problems The TQM Problem Solving Process was used and many problems were solved However at the Field Readiness Test FRT before entering production the reliability was 15X worse than acceptable Fig 2 Don Clausing 1998 Case study questions What should they do next What should be done in the future to avoid the same dysfunctional path What is the fundamental problem Fig 3 Don Clausing 1998 Bomb alert Concept Design Ready Produce FRT Technology Stream Too much dependence on reactive improvement Fig 4 Don Clausing 1998 Improvement to avoid bombs TS R C I SS R C I R C I PP R C I IMPROVE MENT TECHNOLOGY I PROACTIVE REACTIVE IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT R requirements C concept TS total system SS subsystem PP piece parts Fig 5 Don Clausing 1998 Proactive improvement Yea we think that proactive is good Fig 6 Don Clausing 1998 What is wrong here Concept Design Ready Produce FRT Technology Stream Fig 7 Don Clausing 1998 Rework how much is enough Design Complete Ready for Production Build Test Fix Build Test Fix Build Test Fix Build Test Fix Fig 8 Produce Don Clausing 1998 Build test fix why Reactive problem solving Too little limited scope of solutions Too late Design contains many unsolved problems Biggest problem is lack of robustness System works well in favorable conditions But is sensitive to noises unfavorable conditions that inevitably occur Fig 9 Don Clausing 1998 Proactive problem solving Must shift from emphasis on build test fix Must address effects of noises Erratic performance Leads to delusionary problem solving chases problem from one failure mode to another Fig 10 Don Clausing 1998 Noises Affect performance adversely IPDT cannot control examples Ambient temperature Power company voltage Customer supplied consumables Noises lead to erratic performance IPDT Integrated product development team Fig 11 Don Clausing 1998 Failure modes Fig 12 Noises lead to failure modes FM One set of noise values leads to FM1 Opposite set of noise values leads to FM2 Simple problem solving chases the problem from FM1 to FM2 and back again but does not avoid both FMs with the same set of design values endless cycles of build test fix B T F Don Clausing 1998 Performance favorable conditions Variation during Lab conditions FM1 Fig 13 No problem No problem FM2 Don Clausing 1998 Simple problem solving Variation during Lab conditions Initial problem FM1 Fig 14 No problem FM2 Don Clausing 1998 Simple problem solving Variation during Lab conditions FM1 Fig 15 No problem FM2 Don Clausing 1998 Simple problem solving Variation during Lab conditions FM1 Fig 16 No problem FM2 Don Clausing 1998 Simple problem solved Variation during Lab conditions FM1 Fig 17 No problem Problem solved FM2 Don Clausing 1998 Much more difficult problem Performance variation with factory and field noises Initial problem FM1 Fig 18 No problem FM2 Don Clausing 1998 Simple solution Look no problem FM1 Fig 19 FM2 Don Clausing 1998 Oops New problem FM1 Fig 20 Look no problem FM2 Don Clausing 1998 Build test fix B T F chases problems from FM2 to FM1 and back again New problem FM1 Fig 21 Look no problem FM2 Don Clausing 1998 Build test fix B T F chases problems from FM2 to FM1 and back again FM1 Fig 22 FM2 Don Clausing 1998 Build test fix B T F chases problems from FM2 to FM1 and back again FM1 Fig 23 FM2 Don Clausing 1998 Build test fix B T F chases problems from FM2 to FM1 and back again FM1 Fig 24 FM2 Don Clausing 1998 Build test fix B T F chases problems from FM2 to FM1 and back again FM1 Fig 25 FM2 Don Clausing 1998 Build test fix B T F chases problems from FM2 to FM1 and back again FM1 Fig 26 FM2 Don Clausing 1998 Build test fix B T F chases problems from FM2 to FM1 and back again FM1 Fig 27 FM2 Don Clausing 1998 Build test fix B T F chases problems from FM2 to FM1 and back again FM1 Fig 28 FM2 Don Clausing 1998 Robustness solves problem FM1 Fig 29 FM2 Don Clausing 1998 Robustness makes money Fig 30 Robustness reduces performance variations Avoids failure modes Achieves customer satisfaction Also shortens development time reduces build test fix Don Clausing 1998 Noises cause performance variations Noises are input variations that we cannot control They cause performance variations Which cause failure modes Lose customer satisfaction Example temperature affects performance of cars chips and many other products Fig 31 Don Clausing 1998 Three kinds of noises in products Environment ambient temperature Manufacturing no two units of production are exactly alike machine to machine variation Deterioration causes further variations in the components of the system Fig 32 Don Clausing 1998 Manufacturing noise in products Unit to unit variations Caused by noises in factory e g Temperature and humidity variations Cleanliness variations Material variations Machine tool and cutting tool variations Factory can be made more robust reduces one type of noise in product Fig 33 Don Clausing 1998 Role of noises Traditional approach Make product look good early Keep noises small Reactive problem solving does not explicitly address noises Proactive problem solving Introduce realistic noises early Minimize effect of noises robustness Fig 34 Don Clausing 1998 Introduction of noises during development Product Noises are often small in lab Therefore must consciously introduce noises Factory Noises naturally present during production trials Operate in natural manner Don t take special care Fig 35 Don Clausing 1998 Introduce product noises early Drive the performance away from ideal Do it early Don t wait for the factory or customers to introduce noises IPDT needs to develop the skill of introducing these noises Management needs to design this into the PD process and check that it is done to an appropriate degree Fig 36 Don Clausing 1998 Cultural change Early introduction of noises goes against engineers culture of making product look good Two most important elements for success Early introduction of noises Recognition that performance variation must be reduced while noise values are large Fig 37 Don Clausing 1998 Problem prevention Concept Design Ready Introduce noises early Technology Stream Reduce Variations then no Problems Fig 38 Don Clausing 1998 Integration of new technologies B1 A1 G1 F1 NEW TECHNOLOGY NT C1 D1 E1 A G present new noises to NT cause integration

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MIT 16 881 - Context of Robust Design

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