Project 2 CSCI 640 Security Topics Background Refer to syllabus Anticipated Grading Exam 1 Exam 2 Homework Papers Projects 25 25 25 25 It is anticipated that there will be a number of specific homework assignments Most of these will likely come from the end of the chapters we study but perhaps not all Additional small short papers and projects will be periodically assigned but these are not major efforts For example I may ask you to research some information on a specific topic and submit a two or three paper summary of the information you found Project Two Chapter 15 Chapter 15 is a chapter that addresses a number of very significant topics related to security The chapter starts off with identifying security problems discusses a number of program threats and then concentrates on system and network threats Cryptography as a security tool is discussed in some detail Additional topics include user authentication implementing security defenses and firewalling The purpose of this project is to develop more familiarity in a couple of these topics than is provided in the text Paper Details I would like you to develop a paper of no fewer than five pages double spaced you may take more if you wish to meet the specifications below Please select two topics from the list Program threats to include Trojan horses trap doors and virus System and Network threats to minimally include worms and denial of service DOS Encryption a host of subtopics are available and Implementing Security Defenses Alternatively You may select any one of the topics on the previous slide plus 15 9 and 15 10 Total pages for all would be no fewer than four 4 pages Paper Details 2 You may certainly use the material from the text naturally But it might be helpful to go online for additional sources Provide your sources This is not meant to be an albatross assignment rather it is meant to provide an opportunity to pick a couple of topics that you feel are of particular interest to you and broaden your knowledge of these Conclusion If this is unclear please let me know and I will clarify Thanks and have funand reading learning
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