Pitt PSY 0505 - Sexual Effects in Rats
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BIOPSYCH 0505 Edition 1nd Lecture 14 Outline of Last Lecture Sexual Development I Vasopressin II Oxytocin A Releases anterior pituitary stimulating hormones 1 Gonadotropin releasing hormones 2 Follicle stimulating hormone a Increases the production of estrogens b Increases sperm production 3 Luteinizing hormone a Increases the production of progesterone in females b Produces testosterone in males III Gonadal hormones A Androgens B Estrogens C Gestagens IV Medial Preoptic Area A Regulates male sexual behaviors Outline of Current Lecture I Lee Boot effect II Whitten effect A Some evidence that it occurs in humans 1 Martha McClintalk III Bruce effect A Vandenbergh effect IV Ventromedial Nucleus A Hormone in the hypothalamus that regulates female sexual behaviors B Lordosis V Sexual disorders A Androgenic Insensitivity Syndrome 1 Mutation of an androgen receptor gene 2 Case of Katie B Andrenogrenital syndrome Current Lecture These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute I II III IV Lee Boot effect A Occurs when there is no presence of males female sexual behavior is regulated by estradiol B The estracycle completely stops period of fertility that occurs once or twice a year C Evolutionary biologists state that it is a time when they can save energy and preserve the egg D No evidence in human E Pheromones cause hormonal changes in the opposite sex Whitten effect A Female rats housed together will begin to synchronize in their estracycle with each other B Male pheromones help synchronize the cycle and when the males leave the female rats they go back to the Lee Boot effect C Some evidence that it occurs in humans 1 Martha McClintalk a Studied how women on her floor in her dormitory had their periods synchronized b Had male s armpits whipped with a cotton swab and had it put it above the women s lips as it was inhaled by the female participants c Found that all the women with the same males sweat synchronized their periods Bruce effect A Does not occur in humans B In rats it is seen in large colonies where there is one alpha male and many females when a new unfamiliar male tries to take over the alpha male and they fight the new male takes over C After the new leader comes spontaneous miscarriages occur and then the females cycle into estrus and the new leader mates with the females D Vandenbergh effect when a male is present females accelerate into puberty happens in groups where the males are randomly present Ventromedial Nucleus A Hormone in the hypothalamus that regulates female sexual behaviors B Lordosis 1 Receptivity posture where the female drops down and the backside is up 2 Studies showed that females react to rats who have been lesioned by not getting in position 3 Estradiol helps instigate the lordosis and if estrogen is injected into a lesioned male rat they will go through lordsis V Sexual disorders A Androgenic Insensitivity Syndrome 1 Mutation of an androgen receptor gene androgen receptors can be either unresponsive or absent 2 Case of Katie a Chromosomally male and has internalized testes but no ovaries b Has the hormone level of a male c Mullerian inhibiting substance prevented ovaries to develop B Andrenogrenital syndrome 1 Caused by congenital adrenal hyperplasia 2 Low cortisol high adrenal androgen 3 External genitalia which are more masculine

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Pitt PSY 0505 - Sexual Effects in Rats

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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