UVa-Wise COSC 181 - Foundations of Computer Programming

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COSC 181 Foundations of Computer Programming Class 10 Announcement 1st Test Wed Sept 17th Comprehensive through the end of this week Closed Note Closed Book Read and Interpret Code Write Code Snippets trace code Small programs or parts of programs Syntax matters Multiple Choice Try It Write a program that asks the user for a character Use if else control statements to check if the character is an a e i o or u If the character is an a Print out You typed in an a Likewise if it is an e i o or u If the character was not a vowel print out You did not enter a vowel while Repetition Statement Repetition statement Action repeated while some condition remains true Pseudocode While there are more items on my shopping list Purchase next item and cross it off my list while loop repeats until condition becomes false Example int product 3 while product 100 product 3 product What will product equal when the loop stops executing What does this example do Example int product 3 while product 100 product 3 product Try It Use a single while statement to write the code for our last homework Read in 20 characters Tell me how many a s e s i s o s and u s there are

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UVa-Wise COSC 181 - Foundations of Computer Programming

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