BIOPSYCH 0505 Edition 1nd Lecture 13 Outline of Last Lecture I After the SLD is stimulated in REM sleep A It regulates the REM experience B Muscle tone is lost atonia C REM without atonia D Rapid eye movement II Circadian Rhythms A Circadian Rhythms B Zeitgebars C Suprachiasmatic Nucleushypothalamic nucleus D Melanopsin E Control of seasonal rhythms III Narcolepsy A Symptoms 1 Sleep attack 2 Cataplexy 3 Sleep paralysis 4 Hypnagogic hallucinations B Cause of narcolepsy C Treatments 1 Stimulants 2 SSRIs and SNRIs 3 Tricyclic antidepressants Outline of Current Lecture Sexual Development I Vasopressin II Oxytocin A Releases anterior pituitary stimulating hormones 1 Gonadotropin releasing hormones 2 Follicle stimulating hormone a Increases the production of estrogens b Increases sperm production These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III IV 3 Luteinizing hormone a Increases the production of progesterone in females b Produces testosterone in males Gonadal hormones A Androgens B Estrogens C Gestagens Medial Preoptic Area A Regulates male sexual behaviors Current Lecture Sexual Development I Vasopressin A Sexual development but does not help reproduction B Is a diuretic hormone and helps retain water and balance within the body C Constricts blood vessels during arousal and levels rise during sexual arousal D Helps with social bonding and attachment between partners E Hypothalamic hormone because the cell bodies are located in the hypothalamus which directly releases posterior pituitary hormones II Oxytocin A love hormone increases during sexual arousal and helps bonding B Higher levels of oxytocin will lead to a partnership between the individuals involved C Increases with pregnancy and after birth as women have higher levels D Uteri contractions and helps move the birth along potosin is very similar increases milk production E Releases anterior pituitary stimulating hormones 1 Gonadotropin releasing hormones stimulates things in the anterior pituitary 2 Follicle stimulating hormone a Increases the production of estrogens in females and facilitates the maturation of the egg so it is ready for fertilization b Increases sperm production 3 Luteinizing hormone a Increases the production of progesterone in females b Produces testosterone in males III Gonadal hormones help regulate reproduction A Androgens 1 Includes testosterone 2 Responsible for making primary and secondary sex characteristics 3 Helps muscle growth B Estrogens 1 Includes estradiol 2 Responsible for secondary sex characteristics and puberty such as breast growth and regulating the menstrual cycle C Gestagens IV 1 Includes progesterone 2 Prepares the uterus for possible pregnancy and increases during menstrual cycle 3 High during pregnancy and critical to maintain the pregnancy 4 Males produce less progesterone and do not cycle may help with the creation of sperm regulates body temperature helps relax smooth muscles Medial Preoptic Area B Regulates male sexual behaviors 1 Intromission pineal penetration of the vagina pelvic thrusting ejaculation 2 Rats that have it lesioned show decrease in those three behaviors 3 Is usually stimulated in the presence of a females 4 Has a stimulatory effect on testosterone and has a positive feedback on the MPA and continues until ejaculation
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