UA MATH 485 - Lecture Notes

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Classroom Based Exercises Jared Barber 10 2 06 Woodberry RD Aldrich HE Planning and Running Effective Classroom Based Exercises Teaching Sociology V28 No 3 Jul 2000 pp 241 248 The Big Three Three main points Plan and communicate plan Execute Evaluate Motivation1 Critical Thinking Independence Teamwork Communication Skills Long term memory of class room concepts Planning 1 Do it Organize it Time entire exercise Break exercise into and include Segments priority focus time Transitions Backup plans Recap Debriefing critical thinking 2 Strategic placement of exercise in a given lesson Planning 2 Maximizing Energy3 The motivating hook i e big picture Maximize involvement small groups forced reporting Concrete written tasks data table homework Collection of tasks4 Student feeling of accomplishment Student accountability Instructor connection do check work Planning 3 Written Instructions5 Prepare detailed written instructions discuss vs yes or no or data tables Avoid petty details prioritize segments Use visual organization tables graphs pics Organize group leader secretary etc 6 Execute Exercise 1 Written instructions not spoken Monitor exercise Notice and help student confusion Note important student observations Monitor Time Deadline notification provides motivation Time adjustments End when everyone has grappled 70 7 Execute Exercise 2 Debrief Major goals coursework Differing viewpoints critical thinking Note taking Receive and appraise insight from students Reporting Use exact words of students Relate students contributions to course framework Evaluation Periodic distribution of notecards to students After each exercise segment self evaluate What worked well or didn t why What students know or don t Conclusions Big three Develop written explicit plan and clearly communicate it Execute and debriefing for Importance of student s work Breed student long term memory of lessons Model critical thinking Get feedback Increase understanding critical thinking preparation Citations Support of group work development of crit Thinking independence long term memory 1 a b c Abrami PC Chambers B Poulsen C De Simone C D Apollonia S Howden J 1995 Classroom Connections Understanding and Using Cooperative Learning Toronto Harcourt Brace Co Cooper J 1990 Research in Cooperative Learning in the mid 1990s What the Experts Say Cooperative Learning and college Teaching 6 2 3 Cross KP Steadman MH 1996 Classroom Research Implementing the Scholarship of Teaching San Francisco JosseyBass Citations Ct d d e f Dansereau D Johnson D 1994 Cooperative Learning Learning Remembering Believing Enhancing Human Performance Ed Druckman D Bjork RA Pgs 83 111 Washington DC National Academy Press Felder RM Brent R 1994 Cooperative Learning in Technical Courses Procedures Pitfall Payoffs ERIC Document Reproduction Service ED 377038 Retrieved April 10 2000 http www2 ncsu edu unity lockers users f felder publ ic Papers Coopreport html Keeley S Shemberg KM Cowell BS Zinnbauer BJ 1995 Coping with Student Resistance to Critical Thinking What the Psychotherapy Literature can tell us College Teaching 43 140 45 Citations Ct d g Qin Z Johnson DW Johnson RT 1995 Cooperative Versus Competitive Efforts and Problem Solving Review of Educational Research 65 129 43 Debriefing citations 2 a b Billson JM 1986 The College Classroom as a Small Group Some Implications for Teaching and Learning Teaching Sociology 14 143 51 Millis B 1992 How Cooperative Learning Can Fulfill the Promise of the Seven Principles Cooperative Learning and College Teaching 2 5 6 Citations Ct d c d Panitz T 1997 Faculty and Student Resistance to Cooperative Learning Cooperative Learning and College Teaching 7 2 4 Cross Steadman see above Support for heightening energy 3 a b Billson see above Cross Steadman see above Support for Student Feedback 4 a Cross Steadman see above Citations Ct d Preparing student instructions 5 a b c d Cooper see above Downs Lombardi J 1996 Ten Teaching Tips for Newcomers College Teaching 44 62 4 Prescott Susan 1994 Trouble Shooting Cooperative Learning and College Teaching 3 6 7 Prescott Susan 1996 Trouble Shooting Cooperative Learning and College Teaching 7 5 6 Organizing groups 6 a Cooper see above Citations Ct d b c d Prescott S 1992 More Tips for Getting Started with CL Cooperative Learning and College Teaching 7 2 4 Johnston S 1997 Dangerous Assumptions Cooperative Learning and College Teaching 7 8 11 Billson see above About grappling material sufficiently 7 a Cuseo JB 1997 Guidelines for Group Work Cooperative Learning and College Teaching 7 11 16 Feedback suggestions 8 a Lowman J 1995 Mastering the Techniques of Teaching 2nd Ed San Francisco Jossey Bass Citations Ct d b 9 Cross Steadman see above Websites a http www unc edu healdric soci380 active le arn html student comments on exercises

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UA MATH 485 - Lecture Notes

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