Zero knowledge Proofs and Authentication Dawn Song dawnsong cs berkeley edu 1 Review Secret sharing How does a n t threshold secret sharing scheme work Zero knowledge proof 2 How to prove knowledge of square root I Finding square root mod N pq is as hard as factoring A knows b s t b2 y mod pq wishes to prove to B that she knows such b A B s r2 mod pq A picks random r B flips coin B A coin flip If heads A B t r mod pq B verifies t2 s mod pq If tails A B t rb mod pq B verifies t2 sy mod pq What if A didn t know the square root What did B learn after the proof 3 How to prove knowledge of square root II What if A could predict B s coin flip What if A reuses random number r in different rounds How is B convinced that A does know the square root Knowledge extractor Why is B not learning anything about the square root Simulator argument out of scope 4 Administrative Matters Hw1 statistics Mean 34 6 Standard deviation 10 8 1st quartile 29 0 2nd quartile median 34 0 3rd quartile 44 0 Maximum 54 0 5 Authentication Alice and Bob love each other but they live far apart We ve learned how they can encrypt their messages How can they make sure they are talking to each other This is the question of authentication 6 Types of authentication End user End user Alice Bob End user Local computer login End user Remote computer web site login Computer Computer DRM Local computer End user fake ATM check Remote computer End user phishing check 7 Basic Security Protocols Entity authentication protocols Prove identity to each other Key establishment agreement distribution protocols Establish a trusted session key between two principals Usually used to set up trusted communication channel providing secrecy and authenticity Other protocols secure e commerce e voting time synchronization etc We use our basic cryptographic primitives to design higher level security properties 8 Protocol Design Basics Protocols involve principals e g hosts users services processes Secret information e g symmetric keys private keys Authentic information e g public keys Basic cryptographic primitives public key crypto block cipher stream cipher hash function MAC digital signatures zeroknowledge proofs Trusted entities Proofs of freshness e g nonces and timestamps NONCE Number used only ONCE Two types of nonces Counter unique non repeating but predictable may use a time stamp for this purpose Random number unique and unpredictable 9 Ideal Protocol Wish List Efficient protocol Low computation overhead Low communication overhead As little trust as necessary As few assumptions as necessary Idealized encryption Synchronized clocks Synchronized sequence numbers Randomly selected nonces and IVs Security of crypto primitives Authenticity or secrecy of keys Little client server state 10 Protocol Analysis Analyze high level security properties Secrecy Authentication Atomicity Non repudiation Assume cryptographic primitives secure Signature secure against existential forgery Public key Private key encryption secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext attack Security protocols are notoriously hard to get right 11 Active Attacker An active attacker may Eavesdrop on previous protocol runs even on protocol runs by other principals replay messages at a later time Inject messages into the network e g fabricated from pieces of previous messages Alter or delete a principal s messages Initiate multiple parallel protocol sessions Run dictionary attack on passwords Run exhaustive attack on low entropy nonce 12 Intruder Model Intruder can Intercept drop generate messages full control of network Collude with malicious parties Client D Client A Server Y Client B Server X Client C 13 Example Needham Schroeder Protocol Nc C KS Nc Ns KC Client C Server S Ns KS KS KC are public keys of S and C respectively Goal Mutual authentication C S S C Shared secret Nc Ns 14 Flaw in Needham Schroeder Nc C KE Client C Nc C KS Nc Ns KC Nc Ns KC Ns KE E Server S Ns KS Flaw discovered 18 years after publication Authentication C E S C Secrecy E knows Nc Ns How to fix it The second message should be S Nc Ns K C 15
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