MSU ISS 215 - ISS notes

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ISS notes 02 21 2012 Emergence of Political Institutions Population Growth Urbanization Cultural heterogeneity Intensive Agriculture Industrial division of labor Diversity anonymity individualism Cultural Defense Components State Government Political Parties Functions External Protection Internal Order Protection against natural disasters Economic Support Benefit Allocation Public Services Legitimacy Promotion Theoretical Discussion Thomas Hobbes animals brutal cruel selfish PESSIMISTIC John Locke born with clean slate MIDDLE Jean Rousseau nice kind wonderful OPTIMISTIC Elite Theory Social power is in hands of elites Elites control resources Elites seek to protect and preserve power Invisible in large societies and complex governments Dramatic Social Changes are always resisted by elites 02 21 2012 Pluralist Model suggests that interest groups and lobbyists who do not represent any political party play a significant role In decision making process at local and national level There are 18 000 registered lobbyists in Washington DC A mercy faith integrity humanity and religion should be used as tools B use of force and cruelty to maintain order avoid neutrality Viciousness greed cruelty lust Cunning like a fox and forceful like a lion Use of threat of attack by outsider to rule Socialization transmitting socially appropriate beliefs and behavior patterns to an individual Biological bases of socialization Instincts Childhood Dependence Capacity to learn Language 02 21 2012

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MSU ISS 215 - ISS notes

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