LSU GEOL 1001 - GEOL 1001 Exam 2

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Name Geology 1001 Section 1 Exam 2 Copy A 1 Which of the following statements best describes continental crust not lithosphere a Continental crust is thicker and less dense than oceanic crust b Continental crust is thinner and equal in density to oceanic crust c Oceanic crust is thicker and more dense than continental crust d Continental crust and Oceanic crust are equal in both thickness and density 2 Which of the following rocks represent the most correct arrangement of typical earth materials from the surface of the earth toward its core a Peridotite basalt liquid Fe Ni b Granite peridotite liquid Fe Ni c Granite basalt liquid Fe Ni d Peridotite Granite Basalt Peridotite Fe Ni 3 Walther s law states The vertical succession of preserved sedimentary rocks at depth can be explained through the lateral horizontal movement of different depositional sedimentary environments In order for this law to make complete intuitive sense which of the following processes must be occurring a Rapid subsidence and no deposition b Complete erosion of all sedimentary environments c Rapid Uplift with complete sediment bypass d None of the above 4 When trying to determine whether or not a planet is dead or alive a good place to look is whether or not the planet has a High and low spots of topography b No topography c A black hole nearby d Two suns supplying light to the planet 5 Large scale topographic features such as mountains and ocean basins are explained through the theory of a b c d Volcanics Plate Tectonics The gravitational pull of the Sun on the Earth None of the above Questions 6 7 can be answered using Figure 1 below Figure 1 6 In which of the following depositional environments would you expect to find a sediment containing quartz grains that are rounded and very well sorted a Beach b Reef c Deep marine environment d Alluvial Fan 7 In which of the following depositional environments would you expect to find evaporitic deposits such as gypsum and anhydrite a Shelf platform b River c Arid restricted tidal flat d Delta 8 The main force driving plate tectonics during the very early stages of Earth s history was most likely a Mantle Convection b Slab push and pull c Atmospheric circulation d All of the above 9 Ninety percent of the whole Earth is made up of which four elements a Oxygen nitrogen hydrogen and silicon b Iron oxygen silicon and magnesium c Silicon calcium aluminum and iron d Magnesium aluminum silicon and oxygen 10 Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between surface area of the crust and volume of the continental and oceanic crust a Surface area is dominated by igneous rocks while volume is controlled by sedimentary rocks and metamorphic rocks b Surface area is dominated by igneous and sedimentary rocks while volume is controlled by metamorphic rocks c Surface area is dominated by metamorphic and sedimentary rocks while volume is controlled by igneous rocks d Surface area is dominated by sedimentary rocks while volume is controlled by igneous and metamorphic rocks 11 Which of the following statements best explains that the oldest oceanic crust and immediately underlying mantle in the world are no older than 200 Million years a If the lithosphere were older i e colder and denser it would have started to subduct b Plate tectonics has only existed on earth over the past 200 million years c Radiometric dating techniques can only measure rocks that are no more than 200 million years old d The moon was formed from the earth about 200 million years ago 12 The Curie temperature is the temperature above which minerals retain their magnetic domain which is imprinted forever a True b False Use Figure 2 below to answer questions 13 14 Figure 2 13 An igneous dyke is best represented by which label from Figure 2 a b c d 3 4 1 2 14 The igneous pluton most likely to have the largest average crystals is best represented by which label from Figure 2 a b c d 3 4 2 1 15 The Earth s radius is approximately 12500 km a True b False 16 Why is the core of the Earth mainly composed of iron yet the crust of the earth is mainly composed of Silicon Oxygen and Aluminum a Because iron is lighter than the average composition of the whole Earth and remained in the lighter core when the Earth was fluid enough to permit global chemical differentiation b Because when the Earth was formed meteorites brought abundant Aluminum to the surface of the earth which blocked any iron from reaching the surface crust c Because iron is a very heavy element which is heavier than the average composition of the whole Earth and it sank and remained in the core when the Earth was fluid enough to permit global chemical differentiation d All of the above Use Figure 3 below to answer question 17 Figure 3 17 From Figure 3 above Andesite is composed of a 10 20 Orthoclase feldspar 20 35 Quartz 25 35 Plagioclase feldspar 5 10 Muscovite Biotite mica 5 10 Amphibole b 2 5 Orthoclase feldspar 10 Quartz 60 Plagioclase feldspar 5 Muscovite 5 Biotite mica 15 18 Amphibole c 5 10 olivine 40 50 Pyroxene 40 50 Plagioclase feldspar d 20 Pyroxene 80 Olivine 18 Within our solar system the four inner planets are a b c d The densest of all the planets known as the terrestrial planets all of the above none of the above 19 The principle of superposition states that a a fault is younger than the rocks it cuts b sediments are deposited as essentially horizontal layers c the present is the key to the past d undisturbed sedimentary layers get progressively younger from bottom to top 20 Which of the following tectonic settings will be coolest at 30 km depth a regions of continental extension b stable continental lithosphere c volcanic arcs d temperature will be the same in each setting 21 Vertical rather than dipping faults dominate at strike slip plate margins a True b False 22 The difference between a fault and a joint is that rocks on either side of a joint have moved whereas rocks on either side of a fault have remained stationary a True b False 23 With increasing metamorphism the grain size of the rock gets larger a True b False 24 The pressure and heat that drive metamorphism result from which three factors a Weight of overlying rock solar heat and natural radioactive decay b Horizontal pressures developed as rocks become deformed covalent bonding and heat released during rock crystallization c Internal heat of the Earth weight of overlying rock and horizontal pressures developed as rocks become deformed d Internal heat of

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LSU GEOL 1001 - GEOL 1001 Exam 2

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