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History 104 Europe from Napoleon to the PRESENT 27 February 2008 Culture Economy and Politics in the Interwar Period Weissenhof Estate 1927 Stuttgart Germany Le Corbusier C E Jeanneret Gris Building the Future Modernist Architecture between the Wars little or no ornamentation industrial production integrated with craft techniques glass concrete steel A house is a machine for living Le Corbusier Bruno Taut and Martin Wagner Hufeisensiedlung Horseshoe Estate Berlin 1925 1933 Caf Voltaire Zurich Switzerland today Dadaism and the Absurd Dada is a new tendency in art One can tell this because until now nobody knew anything about it and tomorrow everyone in Zurich will be talking about it Dada comes from the dictionary It is terribly simple In French it means hobby horse In German it means good bye Get off my back Be seeing you sometime In Romanian Yes indeed you are right that s it But of course yes definitely right And so forth How does one achieve eternal bliss By saying dada How does one become famous By saying dada With a noble gesture and delicate propriety Till one goes crazy Till one loses consciousness Hugo Ball 1886 1927 How can one get rid of everything that smacks of German poet and journalism worms everything nice and right blinkered military deserter in moralistic europeanised enervated By saying dada costume for Dada Cabaret Dada is the world soul dada is the pawnshop Dada is the world s best lily milk soap Hugo Ball A Dada Manifesto 1916 The war is founded on a glaring mistake men have been confused with machines Hugo Ball Dada International We had lost confidence in our culture Everything had to be demolished We would begin again after the tabula rasa At the Cabaret Voltaire we began by shocking the bourgeois demolishing his idea of art attacking common sense public opinion education institutions museums good taste in short the whole prevailing order Marcel Janko Roumanian artist living in Zurich in 1916 later emigrated to Palestine Israel and founded artists colony at En Hod Man Ray The Gift 1921 Born Emmanuel Radnitzky in Philadelphia Man Ray was one of the key figures in New York dada before moving to Paris in the early 1920s Hannah Hoch Pretty Maidens 1920 Dada photo montage Surrealism and the rejection of reality the realistic attitude inspired by positivism clearly seems to me to be hostile to any intellectual or moral advancement I loathe it for it is made up of mediocrity hate and dull conceit It is this attitude which gives birth to ridiculous books insulting plays It constantly feeds on and derives strength from the newspapers it stultifies both science and art by assiduously flattering the lowest of tastes It is clarity bordering on stupidity Andr Breton Surrealist Manifesto 1924 Max Ernst Hydrometric demonstration of how to kill with temperature 1920 Max Ernst Elephant Celebes 1921 Surrealist Art and Dreams Salvador Dal The Persistence of Memory 1931 Mourning Monuments and the Missing Thiepval Monument to the missing of the Battle of the Somme Edwin Lutyens 1932 Douaumont Ossuary Verdun Germany and the New Objectivity neue Sachlichkeit George Grosz The Hero 1935 Otto Dix Dead Sentry in the Trenches from his War series 1924 George Grosz Berlin Street 1931 Museum of Fine Art Grenoble November Revolution 1918 1919 in Germany late Oct 1918 mutiny by German navy in Kiel Nov 9 Kaiser William II abdicates Nov 11 end of war provisional govt formed Dec 1918 Freikorps Free Corps begin forming Jan 1919 most radical members leave govt over militarism create German Communist Party KPD Jan 15 1919 Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxembourg murdered by Free Corps troops April May 1919 Bavarian Soviet Republic declared in Munich brutally repressed by Free Corps July 1919 constitution of German Republic written and ratified in provincial city of Weimar Grosz Republican Automatons 1920 German Republic attacked from Left and Right Spartacist League KPD and the Free Corps Hyper Inflation in Germany 1922 1923 How many German Marks make one dollar July 1914 4 2 Jan 1919 8 9 Jan 1920 64 8 Jan 1922 191 8 July 1922 493 Jan 1923 17 972 July 1923 353 412 Sept 1923 98 860 000 Nov 1923 4 200 000 000 000 four trillion two hundred billion woman using paper money in her fireplace 100 mark note over stamped to be good for 1 00 000 marks

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IUB HIST-H 104 - Culture, Economy, and Politics in the Interwar Period

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