Berkeley COMPSCI 161 - Homework

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Homework 5 CS161 Computer Security Spring 2008 Assigned 4 23 08 Due 5 05 08 1 Worm Propagation In lecture we talked about ways of increasing the propagation rate of worms In this problem we ll examine the effects of decreasing the propagation rate of worms Recall that i t is the proportion of machines in a network that are infected by a worm at time t is the contact rate and T is a constant of integration that fixes the time position of the incident We ll use a Random Spread a k a Susceptible Infected model for worm propagation and assume a network of tens of millions of susceptible machines Please limit each answer to 1 3 sentences You may also include graphs or tables if you like though they are not necessary a 4 points If is 3 5 and T is 15 at what time are 50 percent of the machines infected At what time will 99 of all machines be infected Hint An easy way to work through this problem is to use Mathematica Excel or OpenOffice to generate or graph your results b 4 points If we are able to reduce the initial infection rate to 0 5 what is the 50 percent infection time What is the time for 99 of all machines to be infected c 4 points Sometimes a worm is initially distributed to a hitlist a set of hosts known to be vulnerable Once the hosts on the hitlist are infected these hosts scan randomly to continue spreading Consider a hitlist that makes up one percent of all vulnerable hosts Modify the formula for i t to take into account the speedup gained by the hitlist 2 Honeypots and Tarpits A tarpit is a honeypot that consumes as many of the adversary s resources as possible For each of the following honeypots describe a way we could turn the honeypot into a tarpit Do not use the same answer for more than one part of this problem Keep your answers short no more than two or three sentences a 3 points An FTP server with no password Located on the FTP server is a file with a tempting name such as corporate secrets txt b 3 points A host with many open ports c 3 points An open directory on a web server The directory has a tempting name such as highly proprietary software source code d 3 points A compromised SSH server containing industrial control software to accompany already stolen steel mill blueprints 3 Taint Analysis In this question you are to perform a taint analysis on the following code float area circle float radius float pi 3 14 return pi radius radius float area square float width return width width int main char argv int argc float radius 1 7 2 float area 1 area circle radius 1 float radius 2 read float from keyboard float area 2 area circle radius 2 float summed area 0 summed area area 1 summed area area 2 int n read int from keyboard int fibonacci 1 int i for i n i 0 i fibonacci i float pt2Area float printf Enter c for circles enter s for squares char which area read char from keyboard if which area c pt2Area area circle if which area s pt2Area area square char buf 42 printf Enter a size n gets buf float size string to float buf float area 3 pt2Area size printf Area is f n area 3 printf The ratio of area 3 to area 2 is f n area 3 area 2 return 0 a 6 points To the right each line of code write the names of any variables that became tainted due to that line of code executing b 6 points List any security vulnerabilities that exist because of tainted variables For each vulnerability give an example of an unsafe in put that would exploit the vulnerability and explain what happens when this input is given 4 Symbolic Execution Consider the following code void f void int step 0 int user increment 0 int start 1 printf Would you like to count by 1 y n n char choice read char from keyboard printf Start counting at n start read char from keyboard if choice n user increment read int from keyboard if user increment 100 start printf WARNING You may not experience many iterations n if choice y step 1 if user increment 100 printf WARNING You will not experience many iterations n step user increment Place assertion here printf Counting to 100 incrementing by d n step for int i start i 100 i step printf Currently we are at d n i a 1 point Write the assertion that must be true for correct execution b 11 points Identify each path this code might take up to the assertion For each path give the path predicate Determine whether or not each path is feasible For each feasible path give an example of input that would cause this path to be executed For each feasible path write a symbolic expression that must be satisfied in order for the assertion to fail Determine whether each symbolic expression is satisfiable For each satisfiable expression give an example of input that causes the assertion to fail

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