SC DANC 101 - Exam 2 Study Guide

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DANC 101 1nd Edition Exam 2 Study Guide Lectures 4 7 The Romantic Era Ballets of the Romantic Era o France is still the epicenter of Ballet o Ballet goes from France to Russia to America o Bashash a tu is the study of dance o Russian ballet schools wouldn t take a child who doesn t have a ballet body Filippo Taglioni 1778 1871 o Originally from Italy but is working in France o Worked with the Royal Academy of Dance and the Paris Opera La Sylphide 1832 setting storyline characters innovations techniques o 1st dance of the romantic era o Choreographed by Filippo Taglioni Taglioni created this ballet for his daughter o Typical romantic tragic story ballet o 2 hours long with lots of pantomime the music in the ballet tells you what is going on how to feel o Act 1 La Sylphide is the prima ballerina wears a tutu in white She is the main character and a sylph a nonhuman fairy ethereal creature This is shown by the wings she is wearing o Setting is in Scotland in a grand manor house early in the morning on a wedding day o Mechanical devices were used in this ballet for the first time ever by engineers o Act 1 cont James premier danseur the man getting married loves the Sylph and she loves him back A palm reading witch shows up at the celebration o Act 2 Setting is in the forest the witch making a potion o The witch gave the potion to James and tricked him into giving it to the sylph Eventually the Sylph dies and leaves James very sad The ballet ends up being a tragedy because he cannot be with her Marie Taglioni 1804 1884 o Filippo Taglioni s daughter who is a role model to young women and a well known ballerina Pas de Quatre 1845 setting innovations techniques o Choreographed by Jules Perrot o Everything in the ballet is different from the others except that the women are on point and have long tutus o This ballet has only 4 women dancers with no props backgrounds or any decorations for that matter o One of the 4 dancers is Marie Taglioni o pas de quatre means dance of 4 Jules Perrot 1810 1892 Jean Coralli Giselle 1841 setting storyline characters innovations techniques o Choreographed by Jean Coralli and Jules Perrot o story of a woman who dies of a broken heart and comes back as a wilis mythical spirit figure not to seek revenge on her lover but to protect him from the evil spirits Arthur Saint Leon 1821 1870 Coppelia 1870 setting storyline characters o The last ballet of the romantic era o Set in a village a boy Franz in the village falls in love with the girl at the top window who never reacts to him or even moves He didn t know it at the time but she is a doll that the shopkeeper made and put in the window His friends tease confuse and trick the boy by making the doll move making him fall even more in love with it o Another girl has a crush on Franz whom he meets who is the human version of the doll and they fall in love Tutu Classical and Romantic Lengths Tulle Pointe Shoes Ballet Blanc o Ballet Blanc is a section of or the entire act all done in white Often the nonhuman creatures are dressed in white to show that they are not a part of this world o Classical length of tutu is very short and the romantic is long and shin length o Pointe shoes are satin slippers with a wooden box at the toe Premier Danseur Prima Ballerina Principal Soloist Demi Soloist Corps de Ballet o Ballet company is set up like a Nobel house o Premier danseur top most important dancer o Prima ballerina a distinct leading star hero o Principalo Soloisto Demi soloisto Corps de Ballet least important background characters Pas de Deux o A dance for two The Classical Era Ballets of the Classical Era o Ballets were often in 3 acts o France was still strong in military and the arts o Language of ballet is still in French Swan Lake 1895 setting storyline characters innovations techniques o Best known ballet of all time that rivaled with the nutcracker o Choreographed by Marius Petipa o Was created in Russia o Dancers wore straight short tutus o Jillian plays the character of black swan and white swan o Storyline a Prince imprisons a young girl in the body of a swan until she loves him Marius Petipa 1818 1910 o He thought France was better than all other countries and when he moved to Russia to teach ballet he was considered a traitor to France who didn t want him back o He taught Russian children to dance but in the French language Sleeping Beauty 1890 o Created in Russia The Nutcracker 1892 o Created in Russia Agrippina Vaganova 1879 1951 o Taught at the Ballet School of Russia for many years so they later named the school after her Also the Vaganova technique is one of the 3 main techniques of Ballet Ideal Body Characteristics and Attributes for Ballet o Long limbs high arch of instep natural turn out flexibility high jumps and leaps ideal proportions for bone structure Talent measures only when it occurs in the ideal body Grand Pas de Deux 4 parts Entr e Adagio Variations Coda o Entr e dancers male and female enter o Adagio dancers dance together o Variations solo dances o Coda both are united together Pyotr Peter Tchaikovsky 1840 1893 Igor Stravinsky 1882 1971 Contemporary Ballet o Epicenter moved from France to Russia o Italy France Russia o From Russia to US Serge Diaghilev 1872 1929 o Neither a dancer nor a choreographer or teacher o Went to the dance institute and watched the teachers choreographers and dancers Secretly approached the ones that caught his eye and offered them their own fame and fortune elsewhere He asked them to leave with him and begin new exciting ballets in Paris o Russia thought him and his followers were traitors o Within weeks they created a show and were successful Michel Fokine 1880 1942 o A teacher and choreographer that left with Diaghilev at Meryenski theatre Had ideas that they wouldn t let him do in Russia o Petrouchka choreographed by Fokine and directed by Nijinsky o Spectre de la Rose designed by Fokine to feature Nijinsky o Spector a ghost o 2 person ballet o A girl gets a rose and falls asleep the Spector looks through her window A new look to ballet Vaslav Nijinsky 1889 1950 o L Apres midi d un Faune 1912 The Afternoon of a Faun was the only piece choreographed by Nijinsky Setting was a vibrant wall of color Faun is a half man half goat o Born in Russia grew up in St Petersburg o Imperial Russian Ballet school most outstanding male dancer o Danced as a soloist o Left for Paris and became a legendary performer Danced for Diaghilev o Not …

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