Name Section Homework 3 Due Tuesday April 18th Show your work Include units in numerical answers 1 A red shirt and a fire both appear red The temperature of a blackbody whose peak emission is at red wavelengths is 4150 K and both the shirt and the fire are blackbodies a Why doesn t your red shirt incinerate you b Why DOES the red shirt appear red 2 The following questions refer to the vertical structure of the atmosphere a Why does temperature increase with increasing height in the stratosphere b What do we call a region of the atmosphere where temperature increases with increasing height c Is this region considered stable or unstable to vertical motion 3 The following questions refer to earth s current orbit around the sun rotation on its axis and the tilt of earth s rotation axis from the plane defined by the Earth s orbit about the Sun a Looking down at the north pole from outer space does the earth spin clockwise or counterclockwise Without traveling to outer space or sending a satellite to outer space to watch the planet rotate how would you know this to be true b Over the course of one complete revolution around the sun does the tilt of the earth s axis of rotation change If so by how much does it change 1 c Why does summer in the Northern Hemisphere occur at a time when earth is farthest away from the sun 4 The earth s axis is currently tilted at 23 5 from the vertical but within its 41 000year cycle of obliquity the angle of the Earth s axis of rotation varies from about 22 to 24 5 If the angle of the Earth s axis of rotation increases from 23 5 to 24 5 will the quantities in a c increase decrease or remain the same a Fraction of the surface area of the earth that is illuminated by the sun at any given time b Amount of radiation incident at the top of the atmosphere at the north pole during the Northern Hemisphere summer c The annual range in temperature July average temperature minus January average temperature in Seattle d The Arctic Circle is at 66 5 N Locations north of this latitude do not see the sun rise for at least one day of the year and also do not see the sun set for at least one day of the year If the Arctic Circle is defined by this feature what would the latitude of the Arctic Circle be when the Earth s axis of rotation is tilted at 24 5 e The Tropic of Cancer is at 23 5 N currently The sun is directly overhead at every location along this latitude circle at solar noon on the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere What would this latitude be when the Earth s axis of rotation is tilted at 24 5 5 On the next page are diagrams of different scenarios for the earth s tilt and the shape of the orbit Study the diagrams closely and then answer the questions below about each scenario Please note that the earth s axis of rotation is not parallel to the plane defined by the Earth s orbit about the Sun as it appears in the diagrams Refer to Figure 3 3 in the text for a 3 D representation of the orbit 2 Scenario 1 The orbital characteristics of the Earth are the same as today but the orbit around the sun is circular rather than elliptical Scenario 2 The orbital characteristics of the Earth are the same as today but the orbit around the sun is circular rather than elliptical AND the earth s axis is not tilted Scenario 3 The Earth s orbit around the sun is very elliptical The sun is not located at the center of the ellipse and so the Earth is closer to the sun during part of the orbit and far from the sun during another part of the orbit The earth s axis is not tilted 3 For each of the above scenarios answer the following questions a Would the earth experience seasons Why or why not Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 b If seasons do occur what season is it in the Southern Hemisphere when it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere If no seasons occur for any scenario write no seasons Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 c Would the poles be colder than the tropics Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 d Will there ever be a 24 hour period at 85 N during which the sun never sets Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 6 Contouring Exercise Draw temperature contours on the attached surface map in increments of 5 F starting with the 35 F contour Label all your isotherms It might be wise to start in pencil so you can easily correct mistakes 4 5
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