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WORKSHOP 10 ELECTRONS Name 1 Using dots or arrows to represent electrons Fill in the following Aufbau Orbital diagrams 4p 3d 4s 3p 3s 2p 2s 1s selenium nickel sulfur ion chromium VI ion Using subshell notation 1s22s2 etc write complete electron configurations Se Ni S 2 Cr 6 Now write abbreviated electron configurations using noble gas notation plus partially filled outer subshells i e iron 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d6 abbreviated as Ar 4s23d6 Se Ni S 2 Cr 6 2 Write the electron configurations of these elements and their ions Mg Mg 2 Cl Cl Cs Cs As As 3 V V 3 Sn Sn 2 Sn 4 3 Write symbols of three cations three anions that are isoelectronic with neon isoelectronic means having the same number of electrons 4 Write Lewis electron dot formulas showing the valence electrons of Place the dots on the symbols F Se P Br Ga Si Sb 3 K Ca 2 Ba 5 Which of the following ions are isoelectronic with noble gases Underline them Al 3 Cu Fe 3 Sn2 Si 4 As5 N 3

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