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1 Nursing Research NURS 430 Spring 2010 Meeting Time and Place SMMC Knoxville Tuesday LMU Harrogate Thursday 11 50AM 2 40PM 11 50AM 2 40PM Course Credit Hours 3 credit hours FACULTY CONTACT INFORMATION Billie Rhea Phillips PhD RN Cell 865 742 1418 e Mail billie phillips lmunet edu I COURSE DESCRIPTION This Web enhanced course will explore scientific methods of inquiry including research terminology methods of sampling research design data analysis and significance of research findings Evaluation of research data for applicability to nursing problems and practice in promotion of adaptation for human persons families groups communities and society in the four adaptive modes Prerequisite completion of Mathematics requirement Statistics preferred and consent of the Instructor II COURSE OBJECTIVES Students who successfully complete NURS 430 will be able to 1 Discuss the significance of research to the practice of nursing 2 Describe the basic steps of the scientific research process 3 Conduct a computer mediated search for information knowledge relevant to nursing 4 Discuss ethical issues and principles relevant to the conduct of human subject s research 5 Compare quantitative and qualitative approaches to scientific inquiry 6 Critique published research studies relevant to nursing 7 Describe the process of implementing research findings into nursing practice 8 Identify priority areas in nursing research III TEXTS MATERIALS FOR THE COURSE REQUIRED TEXT LoBiondo Wood G Haber J 2006 Nursing research Methods 2 and critical appraisal for evidenced based practice 7th ed St Louis MO Mosby LoBiondo Wood G Haber J 2006 Nursing research Methods and critical appraisal for evidenced based practice Study guide 7th ed St Louis MO Mosby Suggested Text Publication manual of the American Psychological Association 6th ed 2009 Washington D C Author IV COURSE REQUIREMENTS ASSESSMENT LEARNING OUTCOMES AND EVALUATION METHODS A Attendance Absenteeism Tardiness and Exams See LMU CSON Undergraduate Nursing Student Handbook Online 2009 2010 pp 26 30 B Cell phone usage is NOT permitted in the classroom This includes sending and receiving text messages C Course Assignments Test dates and times are specified on the lecture schedule There will be a 1 Midterm and Final Exam See LMU CSON Undergraduate Nursing Student Handbook Online 2009 2010 pp 26 27 2 Critique of Quantitative Research Article 3 Critique of Qualitative Research Article 4 Research Question and Literature Review Presentation 5 D Online Web Assignments Rules Regarding Tests and Examinations 1 All students are expected to take exams as scheduled Students are required to notify the faculty by phone or email see contact information prior to the scheduled exam time if they are not going to be present Students are given faculty contact information in each NURS course syllabi and are expected to have it available at all times If for any reason a student is unable to leave a message for the faculty member via the contact information provided it is the student s responsibility to contact the Nursing Office on campus 1 800 3250900 ext 6324 and talk to the Nursing Secretary or leave a message on her voice mail Please remember to state you are unable to take the exam and be 3 specific as to the course the faculty s name and the site you attend A student must be approved by the faculty for an alternate exam 2 All electronic devices pagers cell phones PDA s etc personal belongings book bags purses coats must be place at the front of the room during examination times 3 Ball caps or hats with any type of brim will not be allowed to be worn during exam administration 4 Editorial corrections will be given at the beginning of the exam If corrections to the exam are needed once the exam has started the faculty will interrupt the exam and announce the correction and also write it on the board 5 The student must not leave his her seat until the exam is finished except for emergencies 9 The exam will be timed Any student entering late will be required to turn his her exam at the stated time 10 After the exam is finished the student has the following options a Return to his her seat and remain quiet until class resumes b Leave the classroom If the student chooses to leave the room he she may not reenter until class resumes 11 Nursing Faculty will have one week to review and score exams Student grades will be available and posted on Blackboard by at least week after the exam has been given 12 Faculty reserves the right to correct any clerical error This includes both increases and decreases to adjusted exam grades 13 If a student wishes to challenge a question on an exam the rationale must be put in writing and documented by page number in the textbook within one 1 week from the time of the test review This documentation should be give to the faculty in person or by e mail who taught the unit by the student challenging the test item See LMU CSON Undergraduate Nursing Student Handbook Online 2009 2010 for complete exam administration and review guidelines pp 26 28 E METHODS OF EVLAUATION Midterm Exam Final Exam Critique of Quantitative Research Article 15 20 20 4 Critique of Qualitative Research Article 20 Research Question and Literature Review Presentation 15 Online Web Assignments 10 Total F 100 GRADING Grading Scale 93 100 90 92 87 89 83 86 80 82 77 79 73 76 70 72 60 69 Below 60 A AB B BC C CD F The minimal acceptable grade in Nursing 430 is a C for the course See the LMU Student Handbook Online 2009 2010 or obtain one from the secretary of the Caylor School of Nursing A failing grade will result in a failing grade for the course The student must attain an overall average of 73 to pass this NURS course with a C There will be NO rounding of earned grades within the course and NO rounding of the final grade for the course G INCOMPLETE POLICY Students are expected to complete all requirements as assigned during the semester Incompletes are only given in extreme circumstances deemed by the instructor If the request for an I is approved the work must be completed within the first six weeks of the following semester excluding summer terms otherwise the grade automatically becomes F The grade of I is calculated in the grade point average with zero points V METHODS OF INSTRUCTION Can Include but are not limited to Lecture Blackboards presentations and assignments 5 Discussion Small Group Activities Independent Study Audiovisual Materials Required Recommended Readings Internet

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