Chapter 17 Distributed File Systems Part 2 Chapter 17 Distributed File Systems Chapter 17 1 Background Naming and Transparency Remote File Access Chapter 17 2 Stateful versus Stateless Service File Replication An Example AFS Operating System Concepts 17 2 Silberschatz Galvin and Gagne 2005 Chapter Objectives To contrast stateful and stateless distributed file servers To show how replication of files on different machines in a distributed file system is a useful redundancy for improving availability Operating System Concepts 17 3 Silberschatz Galvin and Gagne 2005 Stateful File Service Stateful File Service Server either tracks each file being accessed by a each client or else it is stateless Stateful File Service Client opens a file Server fetches information about the file from its disk stores it in its memory and gives the client a connection identifier unique to the client and the open file Identifier is used for subsequent accesses until session ends A stateful service is characterized by a connection between the client and the server during a session Server keeps main memory information about all of its clients Server reclaims main memory space used by clients when no longer active Operating System Concepts 17 4 Silberschatz Galvin and Gagne 2005 Stateful File Service 2 Advantages We certainly get Increased performance Fewer disk accesses because file information is cached in main memory in the server and can be readily accessed by the connection identifier In Unix the server fetches an inode and provides the client a file descriptor which serves as an index to an in core table of inodes Stateful server knows if a file was opened for sequential access and can thus read ahead the next blocks Operating System Concepts 17 5 Silberschatz Galvin and Gagne 2005 Stateless File Server Stateless This mechanism only provides blocks of data as when requested with no knowledge of how the client uses or modifies the data Here each request is self contained by itself Thus no state information is maintained by the server Each request must thus tell the server the exact file and position in the file it wishes transmitted to the client Server does not keep track of open files although it may do so for its own internal efficiency considerations Establishing or closing a connection is not necessary as each action is separate and there is no notion of a session Operating System Concepts 17 6 Silberschatz Galvin and Gagne 2005 Stateless File Server 2 Operationally a client opens a file Then reads and writes take place as remote messages The final close message is simply a local operation Stateless servers have no knowledge of the purpose of a client s requests The older version of NFS by SUN use this mechanism Operating System Concepts 17 7 Silberschatz Galvin and Gagne 2005 Distinctions Between Stateful Stateless Service 1 of 3 Failure Recovery a k a crashes with a Stateful Server A stateful server loses all its volatile state in a crash In most cases operations underway will be aborted State can be restored by a recovery protocol based on a dialog with clients This can take some time Server needs to be aware of client failures in order to reclaim space allocated to record the state of crashed client processes Failure Recover with a Stateless Server is simpler With stateless server the effects of server failure and recovery are almost unnoticeable A newly reincarnated server can respond to a self contained request without any difficulty But of course there are its downsides too Operating System Concepts 17 8 Silberschatz Galvin and Gagne 2005 Distinctions 2 of 3 Downsides for Stateless Servers real downsides There s no in core information about a session going on So we get longer request messages lower request processing and additional constraints imposed on DFS design Since each request targets a file some kind of uniform system wide low level naming scheme must be used Translating these to local names for each request takes time Requests for services transmitting a file as well as file deletes must be idempotent The same thing must happen if repeated Be careful regarding deletes Not difficult to implement if reads and writes use an absolute byte count to indicate exact position within a file they are trying to access and do not rely on an offset like Unix read and write system calls in Unix Operating System Concepts 17 9 Silberschatz Galvin and Gagne 2005 Distinctions 3 of 3 Some platforms actually require stateful service Consider A server that undertakes server initiated cache validation can not provide stateless service because it maintains a record of which files are cached by which clients We saw the advantages of stateful service earlier Example of Stateful service Unix is stateful UNIX uses file descriptors and implicit offsets Such servers must maintain tables to map the file descriptors to inodes and store the current offset within a file Example of Stateless service Sun s NFS is stateless It does not use file descriptors but does include an explicit offset for every access Operating System Concepts 17 10 Silberschatz Galvin and Gagne 2005 File Replication Replicas We often have replicas of files on different machines Provides for redundancy and increased availability Big Issue consistency Better availability One can download files from multiple sites more quickly than if only a single site had the desired file Failure Independence Replicas of the same file provide for what is called a failure independent machine which means that if one machine goes down others are available Naming scheme need to be invisible to higher levels but must be distinguishable via lower level names Naming Scheme must map a replicated file name to a particular replica where a location may be part of the name Operating System Concepts 17 11 Silberschatz Galvin and Gagne 2005 File Replicas the big issue Updates and Consistency replicas of a file denote the same logical entity So if we update any file all copies replicas must be similarly updated But Sometimes consistency is not critically important as might occur in times when progress in the face of some disaster is imminent So it may be that we sacrifice consistency for availability and performance But another but If consistency is paramount and recognizing that all replica need to be updated it is feasible that we could experience indefinite blocking On the other hand If consistency is not of paramount importance and perhaps a slightly not absolutely
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