Purdue STAT 30100 - Review for Exam 1

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STAT 301 REVIEW FOR EXAM 1 ANSWERS 1 a C b A c B 2 a 2 5 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 3 012469 4 25 5 2 b Skewed right and unimodal c 25 28 30 37 5 52 d Yes 52 is an outlier e modified boxplot f Median and IQR since they are resistant to outliers and work best with skewed distributions 3 a sports cars b small cars 4 a 1 0 2 1 799 2 0124 2 566 3 04 b Symmetric c M 21 5 IQR 7 5 a b c d e A sophomore from Harrison High School All 800 sophomores at Harrison High School The 150 selected sophomores from Harrison High School GPA numeric whether the student took the SAT as a sophomore categorical SRS 6 No you do not know the severity types of the surgeries performed at each hospital 7 c 8 e 9 a b c d All preschool children The 68 preschool children The amount of improvement Integers ranging from 4 to 9 Experiment a treatment 6 months of piano lessons or 6 months of computer lessons was imposed on the subjects 1 e Completely randomized design Group 1 Trt 1 34 kids Piano lessons Random Compare assignment Group 2 Trt 2 34 kids computer lessons 10 No the total number of people voting in the elections were greater than in the past It would be more informative to compare the of votes won by presidential candidates 11 a 1 b 3 12 c 13 a b c d 12 1 to 20 5 Almost zero 0 0392 18 988 pounds 14 a 11 51 b 1820 hours c 0 9948 15 e 16 Statistical quality control only pays attention to the internal state of the process whereas capability refers to the ability of the process to meet or exceed the external requirements placed on it 17 Center line 29 LCL 28 53 UCL 29 47 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A C C D E C F 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 B A D A E D C 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2 E B E C F B B

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