UIUC SOC 351 - Why do people use media

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Why Do People Use Media 01 24 2013 Functions of media Surveying the environment Reality checking correlation of environmental parts Transmit social norms and customs o Acculturation immigrants etc o Acquiring social norms and customs new generations Entertainment o Reduce anxiety o Play o Escapism Para social interaction o The identification by a viewer of a television character or a personality of having personal relationships with each other ex viewers of Oprah described themselves of having a personal relationship with Oprah Models to explain uses and gratifications covered in Jennings 124 125 Uses and Gratifications Theory doesn t focus on the actual media but the people who consume the media o Holds that audiences are responsible for choosing media to meet their needs o Suggests that media compete against other information sources for viewers gratification competition in market Assumptions of uses and gratifications People have different wants and needs psychological make up People actively seek out specific media to provide experiences that fulfill these wants needs goal oriented So media are competing with one another for attention o Information personal identity social interaction entertainment Active audience audiences actively construct how they use the media o Information personal identity social interaction entertainment o What pleasure they receive o Individual and social context What readings they will have what you will get out of it Criticisms of Uses and Gratifications Theory Too focused on individual Relies too much on self reporting o People tend to report flattering things about themselves and hide the unflattering 01 24 2013 01 24 2013

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UIUC SOC 351 - Why do people use media

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